Friday, June 30, 2006

Jan Nortje Tattoo

Just a few days ago my friend Jan Nortje came to Japan, the just had the K-Max yesterday, and he had decided to get another Tattoo done by Hiro! Anyway, I swung by while they were doing it. It looks like a really hard thing to do, I am always impressed by the way Hiro works. This is what it looked like when they had just finished it up!


どうですか?ノルキャ選手の新しいスミ?ちょっと分かりにくいですけど、僕の友人ヒロさんがこの前掘りました。すごい細かいです、よくあんなアートを人間のひふに写せるな~と思います。本当にすばらしいです、最近自分も欲しくなった。。。ただ何にするかまったく決まらないです!個人的に入れ墨よりもJan のおなかが気になるけど。。。:)本人は日本語読めないからかけます!


Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's summer! クーラーがこわれたら!!!

We have already taken out the kids pool and are having BBQ's at my house, it is hot in Japan today. When I say hot I mean really hot, it is really hot to ride my bike it is hot to run in the park, it is hot training in the gym...Man, summer in Tokyo is seriously not fun, I just feel like jumping in a big outdoor pool somewhere. At least I am getting a bit of a tan from spending so much time out side. It's like this during the winter, I can't wait for it to warm up so I can ride my bike in a T-shirt. But then when the summer is here I just can't stand it, and just want to get out of here...Let me tell you about the summer when I had a broken leg and the only means for getting around was my car, and it so happened that the cooler in the car had broken down!!! I could not get it fixed, man it was one itchy leg to have in a cast during those kind of drives...Or the first summer I spent in Japan in the Young Lions Dormitory, 14 guys in one room right below the stone tile roof, had to sleep in my track suit in case someone called you or we had to defend the Dojo from attackers. Windows with no moscuito net's on them so when you finally did fall asleep from exaution, some bug would buzz in your ear and bite you and wake you up! The one fan hanging from a piece of string on the wall, would lazily swing from side to side and that 2 seconds of nice breeze would hit you like a slize of heaven every 14 seconds...It get's really hot in Tokyo during the summer. People actually die from the heat over when it get's really bad. Over the last 15 years I can remember at least 10 cases of kids dying of heat and thirst from being left in their parents cars, while they themselves are found gambling Pachinko...Like I said it get's really hot.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 三回びっくりしました!

Blogのアップが遅れてすいません、先週の火曜日に銀座のSWINGって言う店に知り合いと行きました。明日友達のライブに行くけど一緒に行かないって言ういきなりの誘えがありました。俺も何も知らずに簡単いいよって言う答えを出しました。ライブはこの前のRolling Stones以外です、僕はライブに行くタイプじゃないですけど。。。っていう話をしおと思いました、けどSWING(銀座西2-2、03-3563-3757)は小さいなJAZZのライブハウスです。僕は知り合いと近くで待ち合わせをしました。うん!ちょっと行こうよ!って言う感じで2Fに行きました、JAZZか~?と思いました、練習もさっき終わったばかりで何よりもおなかすいていた。。。Jambalayaとから揚げをたのんで見ました、まず、一回目のびっくり!料理はおおおいいいしいいいです!ただ単純腹が減っていたからじゃなくって、本当においしかったです。そして、ミキさんに紹介されました、すごく親切な方だなと思いました。お客さん一人ひとりに声をかけて、みんなに親しく出来るような場を作りました。僕は知らなかったですけど東京でのライブは初めてだった、普段は大阪で活動しています。コンサートは始まりました、先にバンドだけは曲を弾いていました。なかなかよかったです。そしてミキさんが登場しました、ちょっと緊張をしていたかな?でも、歌はいきなりラテン語でバラードでした!この人は何人ですか?っておもわせる発音はきれいです!2回目のびっくりでした。歌を一曲一曲の間はフリートークを挟んでいくので、その人間性と話しかたでお客さんのハートを二回目つかむ力を見せてくれました。僕も話を聞いてて面白いなーと思いながら。。。いきなりSalsaのリスムの話からボクサーサイズの話まで、何と俺の紹介まで入れてくれました!三回目のびっくりでした。帰りにいろんな人に頑張ってくださいね!最後にコンサートは終わったときに、挨拶をしまして。また、行きたいなーと思いました、皆さんよかったら今度東京でコンサートをやるときにそこであいましょう!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's never enough!

Inspired by an entree in my BBS section, I have decided to write in my BLOG. Do I truly live in the past, maybe at times I do live in the past, but let me tell you why I keep being stuck there. I need closure. Do you know what closure is? It means that you finally have some kind of way to finish something you have started. My wife bought me a really cool puzzle the other day, it was made of 540 pieces. And it was meant to end up as a ball...I mean have you ever tried to make a puzzle that ends up as a ball? It was a picture of Ariel and King Triton, from the Disney characters. I had seen them enough to know what they looked like, but this was different! I ended up spending every night of a week just to finish it...And so did my wife. I would go to bed early because I would be too tired to continue, and then my Wife would take over. It was like a competition, who was going to put in the most pieces or something like that. So I decided that next time we get a puzzle like that, we are going to get 2 of them and then start and spend the same amount of time on the puzzle. Just to determined who is the Master! I am not sure what I wanted to tell you, but it felt good to just write things down that where on my mind. It's almost like a pensive in the Harry Potter book's...You go figure it out if you don't know what I am talking about.


Thursday, June 8, 2006

Mrs. Oyama's Funeral 



Just got back from the funeral now, sitting here in front of my computer reflecting over the past few days. It was such an emotional event, seeing the Family again under these circumstances was a lot harder than I had first thought. I almost burst into tears when I looked Kikuko in the eyes. It has been such a hard time for everyone since Sosai has passed away, and Mrs. Oyama has been so sick these last few months. But today when I layed eyes on her, she looked at total peace. There was a most sincere feeling about her and once again, I felt humbled. Being in the company of this family just gives you life. I whish that I could have done something, I whish that I could have been there more. I don't know what I whish, but I certainly had some time to think about my life from a different angle. When they opened the coffin and I first lay eyes on her, I noticed that someone had placed one of Sosai's favorite hat's at her feet. At that moment I wept, it was just truly the right thing to do. Thinking that she would now take this hat with her into heaven and bring it to him, I can just imagine them walking hand in hand with Sosai wearing that hat. Everything just seems like it has been on hold, I feel like I have slipped through time and somehow ended up here at the wrong place. I mean, how did I get to this point at this time in my life, it just doesn't feel right. Last night I got drunk with my wife and we stayed up real late talking about Sosai and all the things I/we have been through together. I have been with her right from the beginning, since I was 21, she came with me to Europe and helped me become the European Champion, and she had just given birth to my second baby girl when I won the K-1 Japan title. So I know how it is to be with someone that you truly care for, and I know how it is to have that kind of a back bone in your life. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to loose that, so today I feel like living. All the best to you, Mrs. Oyama.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Oyama Chiako R.I.P.

Today earlier this morning Oyama Masutatsu's wife Mrs. Oyama passed away, I have know her for more than 15 years. She was always a kind and caring Motherly figure, she often spent time in the Dojo hanging out with her sister whom had been working at the office for many years. These last few years have been very hard on her, after Sosai had passed away she has been stuck in the middle of great storm raging around her. The results speak for them selves, since the name of Kyokushin no longer bears the same strength it did while Sosai still lived. Organizations that even today continue to crumble apart due to greed and selfishness of certain individuals, are the proof that when he passed away so did the empire that he had left behind. It pains me daily to see the development of each organization, when at the very heart of Kyokushin there seems to be so little support. I felt very emotional when hearing that she passed away, and honestly I hope that she will find more peace now that she has know for the better part of her life. I feel often that people underestimate the value of what a good wife is to a man. She was as much a building stone for Sosai's Kyokushin as was he, if I am not mistaken then I can with confidence tell you that Sosai was as passionate about her when they first met as he was about becoming the best fighter in the world. I feel that in life you must be passionate about what you do in order for it to come alive, I also feel that Mrs. Oyama was the point of passion that kept Sosai going when all else failed, right from the beginning she was there by his side, to the public as a silent supporting beam. Mrs. Oyama I will miss you with all my heart, I hope and pray that you may at last find peace and joy by joining back with the man of your life.
Osu Nicholas

今朝、大山総裁の奥様が亡くなられました、聞いて非常に淋しく思いました。僕は1991年本部道場の内弟子として入門してからの付き合いがありまして。もちろん、総裁の奥様だと思いながら何でも手伝うことはしましたが、本当に素敵な方でした。われわれ、内弟子をいつもよくしてもらいました、自宅に交代ばんで行ったときは食事をよいしていただきましたし。別に僕たちに気を使う必要ないのに人間性がよくって、逆に僕たちは学ぶことはたくさんありました。現在の極真を見るとやはり総裁の名を使ってお金やほかのものを求めている人がたくさんいます、僕は極真をやめてから一度もそんなことした事はないです。独立してから僕はニコラス空手に変えましたし、たしかに大山総裁に教わった空手しか知らないけど、僕は今違う道を歩んでいるし。総裁が作ってくれた空手は永遠に生き残ります、自分自身これからはどうなるのか分かりませんが格闘議会でいろんな人と出会いが出来て、その仲では本当にいい人もいれば最高に悪い人もいます。この日は自分の中では大切にしたいです、すみません。この場でそういう失礼な話をするのは申し訳ありません。大山総裁にとってどれだけ大切の人だと一般的には知られていないと思います、昔は山篭りに行ったときにあの人にあえるから頑張れたって言う話もありました。英語で言う言葉は一つあります、Passionパッションかな~?情熱ですよ、やっていることに関したは情熱はないと駄目です、Mrs.Oyamaは総裁の支えでありながら情熱のポイントとなったのではないかな~と僕は思います。自分も奥さんの力があるから頑張れるので、今までの苦労はやっと終わりました、これからはゆっくりと眠っていてください。私たちはずーと覚えています。。。R.I.P. (Rest in Peace)


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