It is hot then it is cold, then hot then rainy...I can't figure out the weather in Japan this season. It can't seem to make it's mind up if it wants to be hot or just rainy! Yesterday, I took the family to Shinagawa Aquarium, and honestly it was kind of a let down. I mean we were wrong in going there on a Sunday in the first place, but still we had hoped it would be a bit more fun than that. Once you have been to Hakkeijima Sea Paradise then you really don't want to go to some second rank place packed with people. The tanks were not clean and the whole place just didn't have that feel of the overwhelming power that the Ocean seems to have. They did have the new Sealion house, which was sort of nice. I felt it a bit small for the Sealions but they seemed pretty happy and content swimming around upside down. Then after that it was off to Omori Gold's Gym to help out Koichi in his first Main Event fight against Aoyagi! He was nervous this time, something that he doesn't normally get but it being the main event must have played a few tricks with his mind. He did really well, never really in any kind of trouble but Aoyagi fought a bit different than we had expected so he had a hard time catching him. He got a few times good but couldn't drop him. He took the fight easily winning 30-28 from all judges, and that put him in the lead. It was a good experience for him to fight in the main event, and now that things are starting to get a bit more serious the fighters that he is facing are also getting better, but he is living up to it and another win for the Team Spirit felt great.
昨日品川水族館に初めて行って見ました、正直に言うとかなりショックでした。やっぱり八景島SEA PARADISEと話にならないです!都内では精一杯かも知らないけど、僕たちはみんな八景島まで足を運んだほうがよっぽど楽しめると思います。でも、外の公園はよかったです、弁当を作っていってそこで湖に泳いでいた魚に米をあげながら食べるのは楽しかったです。それと新しく出来たアザラシ館はちょっと小さかったけど館内のエレベーターは面白かったです。その後夕方大森GOLD’S GYMで何とKOICHI PETTAS の初メイン イベントを手伝いに行きました。今回は青柳選手と戦うことが決まったので、回りからのきたえが大きかったと思います。初めてプレシャーって言うものを感じたかな~?あまり本調子が出なかったけど第二、三ラウンドはうまくいって結果的に30-28で判定勝ちました。すごくいい経験は出来たと思います。TEAM SPIRITの勝利は気持ちよかったです。
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Power from the Mountain! 富士山の力!

Recently my Mother was in Japan visiting, and one day we had decided to drive down to Mount Fuji to try and catch a glimpse of the famous mountain, but things were not looking too good. Still in the middle of the rainy season, and the weather being really clouded with a bit of rain mixed into it. I had already given up hope of seeing the mountain before leaving Tokyo. But we had made the plans and therefore we were going, there are lot's of things to do down there anyway. On the Highway I took a wrong turn and that ended up taking us way around the mountain pass and more than 40 KM's further down the road. This proved to OK since we were able to visit a small farm and go Peach hunting. The peaches were big round and full of juice, we all really enjoyed the trip there, but it didn't give us any signs as to if we were going to see Mount Fuji, as we had to come down from the fields because it started to rain...We drove on after savagely devouring the peaches offered, and made our way towards the Kawaguchi Lake. When we got out of the tunnel and supposedly the Mountain comes into view, there was nothing but clouds. I can't believe it. This was the 3 or 4th. time I had driven down there and not been able to see it. With our hearts feeling a bit blue, we made our way across the bridge that goes right through the Lake, when suddenly it started clearing up and there amongst the mist Mount Fuji loomed out and showed us her true face! It was like a scene out of one of the best anime. After that we spent all afternoon driving to different spots and taking pictures, in the end I decided that we were going to go to the base of the mountain and climb it a bit. But not knowing the way and running out time because the sun was going do we ended up at this closed down ski resort, and this was the last picture of the day...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Bicycle rider ! 自転車 ライダー!
Yes, it is true, at the age of 4 years 11 months and about 20 days, my second daughter has broken the family record of riding bicycles. She has mastered the art of riding! Just this last Monday afternoon, Keito her older sister didn't start riding until she was 5 years and 4 months. Pretty good, congratulations girl ! Now let's go riding together.
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Art 芸術 Tattoo 入れ墨 Culture 文化
I must admidt that I am amazed by the intense interest in the subject of Tattoo's, first I would like to point out that Tattoo's have been part of all cultures at some stage in more or lesser degrees. From the Aboriginies in Australia to the Maui's on the Islands, to the Vikings in the North to the Idians in the South America's. Every culture has a some stage been deeply engaged in body modifications to certain extends. These days it seems that everyone has a Tattoo, even women have them now in much broader aspect than ever before. It has become a fashion for most people, it is like bying a ring that you never will part with. I feel that using your own skin as a canvas for creations of art is a very big decision to make. I feel that if you want to have a Tattoo done then it should mean something to you, not to anyone else. Hence the reason for me not being able to decide what I want. I can relate it to my custom bikes, today I feel like this kind of color and then next month I want something else...Last month I bought some new mirrors and this month I feel that I need a new pair of handle bars! It never stops, and I see that with people that have Tattoo's too, once they get one they almost always end up getting one or more after. So, I am just waiting for the right thing and time to do it. I also know that having Tatoo's as my friend Hiro has, has made his life very complicated. It is a kind of branding that you are given at first expression, it can be compared to racism. I have felt that first hand, many times in Japan, when being told straight to my face "Oi Gaijin...." And then whatever follows after that is just not worth writing about. But once people realize that you speak the language everything changes and doors that were closed now become wide open. With Tattoo's there are many doors that are closed, and no matter how humble or sincere you come across those doors stay closed. I know it has never been easy for Hiro to live in a country like Japan where the color of his skin is the constant reminder of the work he does. I don't even see the Tattoo's on him when I look at him anymore. Often we talk about it, because where ever he goes it becomes a easy topic. But once you get to know him, you will find out that he is truly an amazing person.
I see on the BBS that people still have some serious oppinions about what others do to their bodies, but why bother at all? Live and let live, we are entitled to do what ever we like. Who is to say what is correct, or what is wrong and what is right. I know many people that wear suits and are simply rotten to the core, but because they wear a suit does it make them correct. No, what I am trying to say is we as a people must learn to see the person inside, because it is not what we wear or what color our hair or skin is that matters, it is our actions that speak louder that anything else. So stay true to yourself and be honest to your friends then I am sure you will find happiness and riches in the world around you. What are we really talking about here, a bit of ink on the arms...
最近入れ墨話でBBSが熱くなっています、皆さん、坂を上っていきましょう。昔からどこの国にもありました、オーストラリアのアボリジニーからハワイのマウリーから日本のヤクザ、北極のバイキングからアメリカのインディアンから南米のインカまでどこの国に行っても体を使ってステータスのアピールや美しさを求めて入れ墨は使われていた。なので文化です!現在、世界中で若い人たちはファッションとしてよくいれることがあります、ちょう大物スター(Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage,他)も入れているのはほとんどです。しかし、日本では入れ墨の悪いイメージはヤクザの関係があります、それでも売れているタレントでも入れているひとたくさんいます、Chemistryのボーカルの一人、すみませんなまえは知らないです。たしかに日本で生活するのに困るときはあると思います、よくぶつかることはプールに入りたいと思うとか、サウナに行きたいと思うとき。後は一番キツイのは初対面で人の話を聞いてくれないのは一番困ると思います。その体に入れた芸術のせいで本人のことを見てくれない人はたくさんいます、自分はヒロさんとあう時は全然墨に目が行かないです。その話をしないと目に入らないです。本人はいろんな苦労をしたと思います、未だに友達を作るのに苦労するし。その選んだ仕事のせいでかなり差別を受けなければならないのは辛いと思います。僕は人生は自由で生きたいです、墨を入れたから何?自分のひふ、自分の体です、自分は決めることだと思います。僕はスーツを着ているサメたくさん知っています、そのサメたちよりも真剣に付き合ってくれる友達のほうは大切にしたいです。最終的に誰が決めるんですか?これは正しいとこれは間違い?これは正しいって言っている人たちは人のお金を集めて、銀座の飲み屋でフィーバーですよ!今はそういう国です。だからこぞ見た目で人を見ちゃ駄目だと思います、行動を見て判断したほうがいいと思います。人間の行動は何よりもその人間の性格は分かります。だってこれは何の話ですか?腕にちょっとした絵が書かれただけの話じゃないですか。。。
I see on the BBS that people still have some serious oppinions about what others do to their bodies, but why bother at all? Live and let live, we are entitled to do what ever we like. Who is to say what is correct, or what is wrong and what is right. I know many people that wear suits and are simply rotten to the core, but because they wear a suit does it make them correct. No, what I am trying to say is we as a people must learn to see the person inside, because it is not what we wear or what color our hair or skin is that matters, it is our actions that speak louder that anything else. So stay true to yourself and be honest to your friends then I am sure you will find happiness and riches in the world around you. What are we really talking about here, a bit of ink on the arms...
最近入れ墨話でBBSが熱くなっています、皆さん、坂を上っていきましょう。昔からどこの国にもありました、オーストラリアのアボリジニーからハワイのマウリーから日本のヤクザ、北極のバイキングからアメリカのインディアンから南米のインカまでどこの国に行っても体を使ってステータスのアピールや美しさを求めて入れ墨は使われていた。なので文化です!現在、世界中で若い人たちはファッションとしてよくいれることがあります、ちょう大物スター(Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage,他)も入れているのはほとんどです。しかし、日本では入れ墨の悪いイメージはヤクザの関係があります、それでも売れているタレントでも入れているひとたくさんいます、Chemistryのボーカルの一人、すみませんなまえは知らないです。たしかに日本で生活するのに困るときはあると思います、よくぶつかることはプールに入りたいと思うとか、サウナに行きたいと思うとき。後は一番キツイのは初対面で人の話を聞いてくれないのは一番困ると思います。その体に入れた芸術のせいで本人のことを見てくれない人はたくさんいます、自分はヒロさんとあう時は全然墨に目が行かないです。その話をしないと目に入らないです。本人はいろんな苦労をしたと思います、未だに友達を作るのに苦労するし。その選んだ仕事のせいでかなり差別を受けなければならないのは辛いと思います。僕は人生は自由で生きたいです、墨を入れたから何?自分のひふ、自分の体です、自分は決めることだと思います。僕はスーツを着ているサメたくさん知っています、そのサメたちよりも真剣に付き合ってくれる友達のほうは大切にしたいです。最終的に誰が決めるんですか?これは正しいとこれは間違い?これは正しいって言っている人たちは人のお金を集めて、銀座の飲み屋でフィーバーですよ!今はそういう国です。だからこぞ見た目で人を見ちゃ駄目だと思います、行動を見て判断したほうがいいと思います。人間の行動は何よりもその人間の性格は分かります。だってこれは何の話ですか?腕にちょっとした絵が書かれただけの話じゃないですか。。。
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