Wednesday, August 29, 2007

S'Factory Riders !

この前の日曜日に朝早く練馬での集合でした、初めてS'Factory Riders と一緒にツーリングをすることになりました。コースは富士山を一周することでした、僕は毎日バイクに乗っていますが朝の6:00時から夕方の18:00まで乗ることはないです。。。しかし、休みと撮りながらで一日走ることが出来ました。僕は思ったよりも気持ちよかったです。皆さんに迷惑をかけながら走りましたが、気持ちは伝わったと思います。今度はもっと早いバイクに乗って皆さんとついていけるようになりたいです。。。僕は普段からスピードを出すのは怖いですので、富士山の裏側の下り道は怖かったです。特にスピードを出していたのではないですけど、下り道はかなり急だったので後ろのタイヤは何度もすべりました。


  Jinnai-san is the leader of the gang and also my long time friend from S'Factory. He is the one who arranged the trip. 陣内さんはS'Factoryのリーダーって言うよりもS'Factoryの社著であります。だいぶ前からいい付き合いがつずいています、これからもよろしくお願いします    

So this is a couple of shots from my touring with the S'Factory Riders! We spent all Sunday touring around Mount Fuji. It was a great and beautiful trip, although I felt a bit scared on the way down from the back side of the mountain. My back tire kept slipping on the slick surface, so even when the road was really nice to go cruising I felt that I had a hard time keeping with these carved Riders. I ride my bike everyday, but it is all in the city and once you are out on the open long stretches it is a whole different world. I like it but also felt that having to get up at 5:30 on a Sunday was a bit too early, I still ended up having a good time. I hope that we can all get together for a nice cruise sometime again.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rock Steady Crew !

皆さんご存知ですか?日本人として初人の全米デビューしたのはMASAMIダンサー、僕は昔からの知り合いですけど、この前は僕の友達の誕生日パーティーに行きましたらMasamiさんも同席していました。それで今度R.S.C.(Rock Steady Crew)の30周年イベントをやるという話をされまして、これはめでたい話だと思って何とか宣伝に協力をする約束しました。なので時間ある人興味ある人是非足運んでいってください!写真で写っているイベントですのでよろしくお願いします!
イベントローケーション: Shibuya O-East
日程:            9月22日

Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer Holidays お盆休み烏帽子の心07

So it has been a week since the last fight, and I have tried to find some pictures that I could use here, but it just doesn't seem to be that easy. I have spent my week just taking it easy and playing with the kids, but now I want to start training again. I am not quite sure yet when the next fight for me is up, but I want to be ready for it. It is the summer holidays in Japan right now, and it is called the Obon yasumi. People get to go back to their parents place and then they all go and pay their respects to the ones that have passed away. My wife told me that this is not a good time to be going to the beach, because the dead come out and try to snag you back in the water. It is kind of a Urban Myth, but we actually went to this event called the "Eboshi no Kokoro" on Sunday. It was an event to promote cleaning the beach up, and generally looking after the environment. But it was held at the beach in Chigasaki, so I thought that it would be a good chance to jump into the ocean. It was dirty! That was the first thing that got me thinking twice about it. After the ocean in Hawaii, it was hard to even think about jumping into that kind of water. But the kids were having a ball and so we ended up playing around for a while. That is just until I got stung badly by a jelly fish, and then my oldest girl got stung! I don't know if that had anything to do with the Urban Legends, but I got out of that water like a bat out of hell.

I am thinking that we are not going to the beach in Japan for quite a while unless it is in a place where we know that the water is clean. It just takes out all the fun when you are swimming amongst all the dirt and you can't even see the bottom of the water you are standing in...


お盆休みになりました、天気は最高にいいですけど練習するのにちょっと苦しいです。試合から一週間がたちました、その間には子供とよく遊んで。テレビいっぱい見ました、最近は24って言うドラマのシーゾン3,4,5のDVDを知り合いから借りて毎日見ています。しかし、練習はしたくなった、体は普通にもどりましたし問題ないと思いながら。何とお盆休みには実家に帰るので練習はしたくってももう少し待たないと始まらない。嫁に聞いた話なんですけどお盆のときは海に入るもんではないらしい、足が引っ張られたりするって。。。ちょっと怖い話です。死んだ人は帰ってくるので、海に入ると危険らしい!それは本当かどうか分からないけど日曜日は”烏帽子の心07”Byバイク王!”に行きまして、そしてステージでの挨拶の後にせっかくですので海に入るじゃないかと思った。海は残念ながら本当に汚かったです、でも子供はやはり遊ぶのは大好きでしばらく我慢しながら遊んでいましたら。くらげに指された!!!あれってめちゃ痛いよ!一番上の子もさされた。あれはあれで終わりでした、もう汚い海に入りたいと思わないです。たしかにハワイの海はあまりのもきれいだったので、この前の海にびっくりしました!それと足は引っ張られたよりもお腹にくらげの後はずーと痛かったです。。。イベントは本当に良かったと思いました、若い人たちにClean the Beachの心を音楽を聞きながらテーマにしたイベントで毎年メンバーは増えています。来年はもっと大きいイベントにらればいいです、そしてきれいな海を目指しましょう!


Wednesday, August 8, 2007




Sunday, August 5, 2007

And that is what I call a fight!

I got up really early this morning, because I couldn't sleep. I had to go to the hospital last night to get a CT scan, but it came up negative so I went back to the hotel to take a rest. And then I couldn't fall asleep, so I was lying in bed and flicking channels when they showed the K-1 event on TV, it was good to see what happened. Because I can't remember getting kicked in the head...I think I am going to stay here a few more days and just take it easy, so while I am here I might get a chance to update this blog, if not I will get back together with you all after I get back home! I just thought that I would let you know that I doing OK.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hong Kong !

We all made it over here yesterday, and I am feeling great. They hooked us up in a Hotel called the Gold Coast, and it is literally like being on the Gold Coast. I would know 'cause I went there last year, apart from the fact that you can't swim in the ocean here, and that there are no waves, it has got everything that makes you feel right at home. Palm trees and a big swimming pool with a water side BBQ, nice relaxing music in the back ground and great air conditioning in the hotel. Does this sound a bit like a commercial for this place? Well, it is only located 25 min. from the Famous shopping area Tsim Sha Tsui, and the free shuttle bus from the hotel leaves every 30 minutes. I love it here, my brother from Denmark flew in yesterday and we got up early and worked out. My body and mind is ready for this fight and now that we are getting this close I just can't wait to get it on. Yesterday I had a chance to sit down and have a good talk with Badr Hari, I know that might sound a bit funny, but what is between him and Peter Graham has got nothing to do with me. So I just wanted to catch up, we spoke about many things but mostly about Martial Arts. I think he is a great fighter and that his mind is very sharp, he asked me if I wanted to come and train with him and if there is a chance I would love to go to Holland and get some training done together. But right now, I need to focus all my energy on the fight coming up in a few days, and that is all I can really think about right now. I also happened to be checking in at the Hotel yesterday right as Team Aerts showed up, and it was good to catch up there too. I have know them all for a very long time now, and it is just sort of funny to think about the way things work out. I am sure this is going to be a great fight.


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