Friday, November 30, 2007
Merry X-mas!

We have entered December and X-mas is on the way! I was lucky to get my present early! I made the front cover on a danish martial arts magazine called "Fighter" . Awesome interview and great work with the pictures. Loved the whole thing. Thank you Tue and Simen. From the Blue Eyed Samurai !
Thursday, November 29, 2007
風邪をひいてしまった! Flu ? or just a cold
lately I have been battling with the cold weather here, I mean I know that I grew up in Denmark. So I should be able to cope with it...but it still gets me every time. There has been a serious cold/flu going around lately and most of the kids in my girls classes have come down with it. But although we all had a bit of a runny nose and were couching a lot, I don't think that anyone in my family actually had the flu? But then I got worse and worse, I mean with all the training we do it is hard to keep it up. And vitamins are only as good as they are, it really never is enough to just take your vitamins and then think you are OK. I came down hard with it over the weekend and all the driving down to Nagoya didn't help. So I tried to take some over the counter cold drugs, and nothing! It anything at all happened then I just got worse. So when I woke up Wednesday morning I just knew that this was it. I went to hospital and spoke to my doctor. He understood that I needed to get better as fast as possible, so he prescribed some strong stuff for me. And true to his word to days after I started the medicine, I feel great. I am just taking this last day off and then I am back in the grinder again tomorrow. It is amazing how strong medicine is, I used to not want to take medicine, because I wanted my own body to heal. But this time I am truly amazed! I mean 2 days ago, that is just 48 hours ago, I was throwing up because the phlegm in my throat was clogging my air and I couldn't breathe! Today I feel like going for a run, that is how clear my breathing is right now. Although it sounds like I am complaining about the cold, I actually had the best opportunity to finish the last book in the Harry Potter series! It was good, I mean I hated the first 3 books but by the time I had read them I was sucked in and hooked like everybody else.So now I really wanted to know what happens, and to not reveal anything I shall only say. At lot suddenly makes sense...Enjoy!
lately I have been battling with the cold weather here, I mean I know that I grew up in Denmark. So I should be able to cope with it...but it still gets me every time. There has been a serious cold/flu going around lately and most of the kids in my girls classes have come down with it. But although we all had a bit of a runny nose and were couching a lot, I don't think that anyone in my family actually had the flu? But then I got worse and worse, I mean with all the training we do it is hard to keep it up. And vitamins are only as good as they are, it really never is enough to just take your vitamins and then think you are OK. I came down hard with it over the weekend and all the driving down to Nagoya didn't help. So I tried to take some over the counter cold drugs, and nothing! It anything at all happened then I just got worse. So when I woke up Wednesday morning I just knew that this was it. I went to hospital and spoke to my doctor. He understood that I needed to get better as fast as possible, so he prescribed some strong stuff for me. And true to his word to days after I started the medicine, I feel great. I am just taking this last day off and then I am back in the grinder again tomorrow. It is amazing how strong medicine is, I used to not want to take medicine, because I wanted my own body to heal. But this time I am truly amazed! I mean 2 days ago, that is just 48 hours ago, I was throwing up because the phlegm in my throat was clogging my air and I couldn't breathe! Today I feel like going for a run, that is how clear my breathing is right now. Although it sounds like I am complaining about the cold, I actually had the best opportunity to finish the last book in the Harry Potter series! It was good, I mean I hated the first 3 books but by the time I had read them I was sucked in and hooked like everybody else.So now I really wanted to know what happens, and to not reveal anything I shall only say. At lot suddenly makes sense...Enjoy!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Maruyama Vs. Tsuboi in Heat 5

Team Spirit spent the weekend in Nagoya, I drove everyone down in my car Saturday morning and then Maruyama had to fight Tsuboi in a 3 rounds kickboxing rules match in the OCTAGON!
That is right, HEAT has the last 2 tournaments been held in an OCTAGON! It is quite a thing to see a kickboxing rules fight in such a ring! Maruyama has been with us for quite some time now and has had a few fights, this time he was going up against Tsuboi a veteran shootboxer. First round went according to plan, nothing but clean shots to the legs and damage was done. Second round a couple of kicks misplaced and the fight got stopped 2 times to let Tsuboi recover from the low blows. But then Maruyama placed a perfect lowkick and down he went! I was at the perfect angle to see it, but the ref. was on the other side? So he thought that it was another low blow...he was down for more than 20 sec. when it was finally called as a down, and although he got up and fought till the end of the fight. That lowkick was a K.O. ! we won the fight and that was more important than anything else. I don't have any pictures from the event yet, but if I get some I will post them. It was definitely a different kind of event to see it fought in the OCTAGON! Look forward to HEAT 6 next year in March or April!
That is right, HEAT has the last 2 tournaments been held in an OCTAGON! It is quite a thing to see a kickboxing rules fight in such a ring! Maruyama has been with us for quite some time now and has had a few fights, this time he was going up against Tsuboi a veteran shootboxer. First round went according to plan, nothing but clean shots to the legs and damage was done. Second round a couple of kicks misplaced and the fight got stopped 2 times to let Tsuboi recover from the low blows. But then Maruyama placed a perfect lowkick and down he went! I was at the perfect angle to see it, but the ref. was on the other side? So he thought that it was another low blow...he was down for more than 20 sec. when it was finally called as a down, and although he got up and fought till the end of the fight. That lowkick was a K.O. ! we won the fight and that was more important than anything else. I don't have any pictures from the event yet, but if I get some I will post them. It was definitely a different kind of event to see it fought in the OCTAGON! Look forward to HEAT 6 next year in March or April!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
三宅島のバイクFESTIVAL with バイク王!

Friday, November 16, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Factory
今日からスタートを切りました、Factoryのほうでは朝の練習が終わりまして。後今日から夜の練習が始まります、僕は新しい弟子と顔を合わせるのは楽しみです。Factoryの強い選手をたくさん育てたいです。この前の金曜日はジム開きがありました、たくさんな方が来てくれましたので本当にうれしかったです。これからもみんなといい関係が続ければいいと思っています、お互いに力をかりながら上へと登って行きたいです。つでにFactoryの初勝利がありました!何とRyo Pettasは金曜日のJ-Networkの60kgクラスのトーナメントでランク8の選手とリサーブマッチが行なわれました。うちのチームはみんな応援に行きました、それとRyo君の家族といつものメンバーは後楽園まで足をはんこんでくれました。何と久しぶりにJanノルキャ選手も来てくれました!そして、試合が始まる。お互いに考えながら手と足を出していくが3ラウンドはやっとRyoがペースをつかめたかな~と思ったら、30-29、29-30そして30-30でドローになった。エキストララウンドではRyoが上手い具合にペースはつかめたと思いながら、何と最後の10秒で右のストレートできれいにダウンをとりました!ムンクなしの判定勝利。このままこれからもずーっとやってもらいたいです。Team Dragonの細野選手は金曜日にベルトを腰に巻きましたけど、Ryo君はそのベルトをどうしても取らないときがすまないのでこれからは一段一段上へ行って、いつかはそのベルトに挑戦したいです。同じベルトのヘビー級もうちのKoichiは欲しがっているので、来年はFabiano選手とタイトルマッチしたいです。ま、何よりもロウニン生活はこれで終わりですので自分たちのジムがちゃんとできて本当にうれしいです。プライドをもってこれからはどこに行って試合をするは関係なく、Factoryの選手が出ていると相手たちはびびるぐらいの気持ちでこれからみんなは強くなっていきたいです。皆さん、の応援は必要ですので、よろしくお願いします!
So last Friday we had the opening party, and we are officially in business now. Training went well this morning, and I look forward to seeing the new students show up. I have a great feeling about the whole thing, the gym looks great and we have an awesome ring. The actual first fight to come out of the Factory was on Friday at the J-Network event, in Korakuen. Ryo Pettas was set up to fight against the ranked no.8 in a reserve match for the tournament, to decide the -60kg class J-Network champion. It was a tuff fight and although I thought that we had after the first 3 rounds, it went 30-29, 29-30 and then finally 30-30. So we got a extra round! I felt confident that things were going our way, and when Ryo dropped the guy in the last 10 sec. I knew that we had won it. So our first fight was a great victory!
So last Friday we had the opening party, and we are officially in business now. Training went well this morning, and I look forward to seeing the new students show up. I have a great feeling about the whole thing, the gym looks great and we have an awesome ring. The actual first fight to come out of the Factory was on Friday at the J-Network event, in Korakuen. Ryo Pettas was set up to fight against the ranked no.8 in a reserve match for the tournament, to decide the -60kg class J-Network champion. It was a tuff fight and although I thought that we had after the first 3 rounds, it went 30-29, 29-30 and then finally 30-30. So we got a extra round! I felt confident that things were going our way, and when Ryo dropped the guy in the last 10 sec. I knew that we had won it. So our first fight was a great victory!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
K-1 Turkey
Just got back from Turkey, and although we lost in the first round due to a big cut under the left eye, it was a really good trip. Koichi fought really well and everyone seemed to be cheering him on. In the 3rd. round the crowd were chanting his name! But in the extra round he got a knee to the side of his head and got cut badly. So although we lost the fight, I am sure that everyone there were pleased with his performance. 
トルコから帰ってきました、ま~いろいろと大変だったけどいい勉強になったと思います。結果は一回戦ドクターストップでしたけど、一緒懸命頑張って何と3ラウンドでは会場内”Koichi~Koichi"コールが起きました!エキストララウンドでヒザが画面に軽くあだって4cmほど切れましたので、ドクターはストップをかけました。本人は”先生!まだやりたいです!”をいいましたが、やはり危険すぎたので僕も止めました。初めての海外試合だったので、いろいろと勉強してもらってこれからもっと強くなると思います。久しぶりにWill ”Bambinaccio" Riva選手にも会うことが出来ました。彼はいまイギリスに帰って地元で頑張ってます。仲がいいのでトルコで試合が決まったのを聞いて、すぐにチケットを買いました。本当は日本にもどって欲しいですけど、今仕事をやりながら将来のことを考えています。僕もあえてうれしかったです。よくネットではチャットをするけど、実際に会うのは楽しいです。
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