Monday, June 29, 2009
I was out of reach for a while!
We drove up to the camp site last Saturday and since then I have not been able to get online! But today I found a small access point where got some temporary access, so here I am !
The picture is of the idyllic landscape in Jutland on the far west side of Denmark! the camp is great and it is such a good feeling to make it back to Denmark. The summer here is all a summer should be, long evenings with the company of great friends.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
that was a close call !
But I made it here in one piece, I actually made my way out to the airport yesterday in Japan. Only to realize that I had forgotten my passport! So my wonderful wife was fast enough to bring it to me at a convenient location and then it was all a sprint for the airport, I made it 25 minutes before the flight took off and the sweat running down my back. But now that I finally got here it is a really nice day and tonight I am hooking up with my family and friends!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Suddenly !
It is already Wednesday, I kind of lost track of myself yesterday! Because I went out for a drive on my bike, up on the highway it is all about having a good time and since I was all alone riding yesterday. I had only myself to worry about, and that sometimes can be a very good thing. It was like the day was just meant for that drive because the day before it was raining hard. And today it has been raining all morning. But yesterday it was a really nice day and although I was riding on the highway I was in a T-shirt, so now my arms are totally sun burnt ! It looks ind of funny because my hands are white because I was wearing gloves too, so I got some real red forearms.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
...? new OS ???
So I was downloading the new OS for the I-Phone, and getting all exited about it. Until I realized that all that had really changed was that I had suddenly gotten a voice recorder that I don't need! The new OS does not run on the old phones! Hence they force you to buy a new one...that was not nice. I went straight down to the shop where I bought my phone and complained, because I had very explicitly been told that the new software would run just fine on the old one. It was the only reason I actually bought the phone in the first place...So now I just waiting for them to figure out how they are going figure out how to fix that bummer?
ありえないことになっていました、実際にどこが変わっているかというと! えらないボイスレコーダーが新しく入っただけです、もしくは横になっても写真が撮れるようになった、でも一番欲しかったビデオレコーダーは3gsじゃないと使えないです。。。
ありえないことになっていました、実際にどこが変わっているかというと! えらないボイスレコーダーが新しく入っただけです、もしくは横になっても写真が撮れるようになった、でも一番欲しかったビデオレコーダーは3gsじゃないと使えないです。。。
New I-phone !
So the new software for the I-phone came out today for us loyal users...But I have been betrayed! It is nothing to close to what they promised me a couple of months ago!
The only reason I bought the phone at that time was because I was told by their staff that once the new OS comes out you ca simply download it and use it...
I down loaded that software this afternoon and yes! I can now copy and paste and cut but I can't record video's or aall the other cool things I was promised...
So I made my point and took it to the at the shop and made them sweat over it a bit. I guess I will find out next week how they are going to handle such a mistake in their customers services...
The only reason I bought the phone at that time was because I was told by their staff that once the new OS comes out you ca simply download it and use it...
I down loaded that software this afternoon and yes! I can now copy and paste and cut but I can't record video's or aall the other cool things I was promised...
So I made my point and took it to the at the shop and made them sweat over it a bit. I guess I will find out next week how they are going to handle such a mistake in their customers services...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Blue eyed Samurai !
This is a showreel of various shots throughout my carreer, there are so many more pictures out there that tell the whole story. But this time I just choose a few good ones, and since they speak for themselves I have not put narration on them...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
夏合宿! レッツゴー
「2009 CAMP SPIRIT 縁」
場所 : 九十九里浜 小川荘
日時 : 2009年7月18日(土)~19日(日)
参加費: 15,000円(一泊2食付 夜はバーベキュー)
「2009 CAMP SPIRIT 縁」
場所 : 九十九里浜 小川荘
日時 : 2009年7月18日(土)~19日(日)
参加費: 15,000円(一泊2食付 夜はバーベキュー)
Kind of weird things
I am just on my computer right now and it seems that I can't get my Blog to appear on my site? The blogger is up and running, and so is the site but they don't seem to be running together? Hmm, I might have been playing around with the settings too much. It is hard to figure it all out, when you really don't know what you are doing.
Monday, June 15, 2009
American Idol !
これはこれで。今年のAmerican Idolは終わりました、僕は応援していたAdamはやっぱり最後まで残りました。しかし、優勝にはならずで残念でしたけど、きっと彼はこれからCDデビューしてくれると思います。そこで、どんな曲がでてくるかな~
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
A good day !
I had a very good day yesterday, I had three power meetings and and although on my way to one of those meetings, the foot peg on my gear shifter broke off. I still managed to come out on the winning end. It was a day to remember and a day that hopefully will stand out in my history books. It has nothing to do with all I have done until now in the martial arts world, it was just the culmination of a lot of business meetings coming together. Now I need to tie up the loose ends and make it all happen from there. It is something I have been waiting for a long time. I can't exactly tell you what it involves but it might be something real big for me! Anyway today I am shooting on the Samurai Spirit show, so I need to get in the mood for some Samurai !
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I spent all day shooting on location for the Yokohama Garage-Kan, it is the link at the bottom of my homepage that takes you to this awesome wheels only shop. If you need a new set of rims for your car this is the place to go and get them. And I am sure that if you tell them that you know me, that they will give you a deal.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Chinese lunch in Ikebukuro !
This is the version of my Chiniese lunch in Ikebukuro, I have been going to that place ever since I came to Japan 18 years ago. And the the dish on the picture is the one I always eat when I go there...It is awesome!
And then I hit the 700 mark for posts today, the question here is? Will this ever end?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This movie was awesome, I mean they even had Lou Ferigno play a small role. The cast was awesome and the story line was all HULK should have been. Ed Norton is always good and when they cast Liv Tyler in there as his girlfriend there is not more to be said. I thought the best part was when they put in STARK INDUSTRIES,I noticed it right in the beginning and of course when Iron Man came out in the end, they created what they have done in the comic books for decades. A full world where players can interact, I can't wait to see where this will go in the future, it is all I ever dreamed of when I was a kid reading the weekly spider-man comics...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
test on new youtube profile
If this works out well, this is what the future of my blog might look like...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
TV Shoot
Today I am shooting on a program called "Suberanai Hanashi" it kind of means, realy funny talk. It is a special program where all the top comedians of Japan get together to talk battle it out amongst themselves. And of course the idea is to come up with the funniest story. Japanese love stand up, it goes on and on never really ending. Thank God, I am not one of the comedians that have to battle it out, I am just one of the honored guests to be invited on the show to sit and laugh! I even get paid to do that...I love these jobs!!!
今日、っていうか今から家を出て、お台場スタジオを目指します。“すべらない話”のゲスト出演が決まったので、今夜はスタジオの中で笑いっぱなし!初めて出る番組なので、どん感じかよく分からないけど、ひょうっとしたらあの有名なプロレスラーの隣に座るかも?かなり楽しみですが、できたらアメブロの方でちょこちょこアップします。。。それで、何とYoutubeでいろいろと探していたらこんな訳わからないsuberanaihanashi が出てきた???この人だれ?
今日、っていうか今から家を出て、お台場スタジオを目指します。“すべらない話”のゲスト出演が決まったので、今夜はスタジオの中で笑いっぱなし!初めて出る番組なので、どん感じかよく分からないけど、ひょうっとしたらあの有名なプロレスラーの隣に座るかも?かなり楽しみですが、できたらアメブロの方でちょこちょこアップします。。。それで、何とYoutubeでいろいろと探していたらこんな訳わからないsuberanaihanashi が出てきた???この人だれ?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Team Super Fujita

July 12th. is the day to hit the streets and make our way up to Ishikawa/Kanazawa, Fujita-san is putting on a real big show and it looks like we are going to have a lot of fun going up there and fighting.
7月12日は石川県の金沢でTeam Super Fujitaはまたまた、プロデュースしてくれた”あばれ祭 3”が行います。内からヘビー級選手を3人もつれてきます!本当に楽しみです、車でみんなで行って健康ランドに入って試合で大暴れして帰ってくるパタンだと思いますが本当に楽しみにしています。
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Writer and Journalist has been born !
I have actually written a book or let me rephrase this, I have written a couple of books...that is to say I have written something down in my computer that might one day get published into a book. It has been a very long time in the process, so I am taking steps very slowly. But you have to start somewhere and I had my first initiation yesterday. It was officially decided that I should spend some time on actually writing and researching things I like.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
2009 Camp Spirit 縁 !
「2009 CAMP SPIRIT 縁」
場所 : 九十九里浜 小川荘
日時 : 2009年7月18日(土)~19日(日)
参加費: 15,000円(一泊2食付 夜はバーベキュー)
This is the announcement for the annual summer camp, if you feel like coming along for the ride then please contact me at
15.000yen for two days of Martial Arts, fun and games and a BBQ !
I am riding up there on my bike to have some fun on the way up there too, if you feel like coming along for the ride only then that is fine too.
「2009 CAMP SPIRIT 縁」
場所 : 九十九里浜 小川荘
日時 : 2009年7月18日(土)~19日(日)
参加費: 15,000円(一泊2食付 夜はバーベキュー)
This is the announcement for the annual summer camp, if you feel like coming along for the ride then please contact me at
15.000yen for two days of Martial Arts, fun and games and a BBQ !
I am riding up there on my bike to have some fun on the way up there too, if you feel like coming along for the ride only then that is fine too.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Rebel ! High end Street Fashion !
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