So I am finally picking my bike up tomorrow, I have been waiting like a little kid for this...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Ryo Pettas wins !

So it has already been a week now...I mean it feel like it was just a few days ago that I was at the ring side screaming at Ryo to do his best! Well, he did really well and won the fight 30-27 so tha was pretty convincing. In the second round he dropped the guy, and although he knew that he had to try and get it back, he came out like a thunderstorm in the last round Ryo was calm the whole way through just sticking to his game plan and getting the better of the guy. It was a great releif to see him win, he truly deserves it after all that training. It has been almost a year since he joined the team, and it has not been easy...A small frame weighing in at less than 60kg's but with the heart of a lion. Well done. little brother!
それではもう一週間がたちましたけど、何とゆっくりパソコンの前に座ってこの日記を書く時間は何で見つかっていないか分からないです。。。いつでもすぐ書けると思うと書かないです。BBSでも気になっていた原田さんに質問されるし。。。今日はちゃんと書きたいと思いました。Ryoは本当にいい試合をしました、2ラウンドでダウンをとって後もう一歩でK.O.になりそうだったけど。さすが相手はランク1で、すごい頑張りました。最後のラウンドはゴーからがんがん出てきましたけど、Ryoは全部冷静に返してどっちかというと前に出ていました。。。30-27で判定勝ち!おめでとうRYO PETTAS!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006
テレビでは見れない!What they don't show on TV!

This is what they didn't show on TV, I was dressed up as one of the guys from an old group of comedians called, The Drifters. Nitta had arranged for the intro song to start off with this guys voice coming in greeting everyone, and then in stead of him coming on stage I showed up and overlapped his voice. It had quite an effect although they didn't show it on TV, it was quite fun. I guess that my real job looked more like what I am doing on the picture below though...

Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Ryo Pettas
So I was on my computer this morning, and had almost finished todays entry, when suddenly a pop up message came up and said that the server would be down for about 8 hours...I wasn't quite sure what it meant so I proseeded to puplish it and then it could not connect, and I lost everything I had written down. Hmm, it makes you wonder about technologi, I even tried to paste it over on a word file, but that proved impossible! Wel, anyway I was just going to tell you about the fights that are coming up this saturday. We are going to take Ryo Pettas to his second fight in his pro career, I have been working hard with him lately. So let's just hope that is goes good for him this weekend, if you find yourself in Shinjuku then check out a place called FACE, the event is called Tribalate、and it starts at 17:30 !
今日朝早く起きて家のパソコンでBlogを書いてたら、何とアップをしおとしたときにサーバーはダウンになっていたらしくっていっぱい書いたのに、全部は消されてしまった。。。そういうときはどうしたらいいのか分からなくって、困りました!それよりも今週の土曜日にイベントの話をしたくって今日Blogを書いていました。土曜日の17:30開始のTRIBALATE、新宿のFACE(フェース)ではRyo Pettasのプロになってからの第二戦が決定しました。今年は自分がミットをたくさん持っててあげてどんどん強くさせるつもりで今一生懸命やってもらっている。彼はまだ19歳ですので本当に教えることは早くきゅうしゅうしてくれるので、成長早いです。昨年はジムでの練習と東京での生活をなれながら練習していましたが、今年はもうそういうことを気にせず思い切り頑張ってもらっています。ついこの前のジムの合宿にも参加しないで一人で走りこんでサンドバッグを蹴り続けました。頑張れよRyo!お前ににもペタスコールが起きるように、Faceで風がふくように、戦い方で人が掘れるように。。。オス!
今日朝早く起きて家のパソコンでBlogを書いてたら、何とアップをしおとしたときにサーバーはダウンになっていたらしくっていっぱい書いたのに、全部は消されてしまった。。。そういうときはどうしたらいいのか分からなくって、困りました!それよりも今週の土曜日にイベントの話をしたくって今日Blogを書いていました。土曜日の17:30開始のTRIBALATE、新宿のFACE(フェース)ではRyo Pettasのプロになってからの第二戦が決定しました。今年は自分がミットをたくさん持っててあげてどんどん強くさせるつもりで今一生懸命やってもらっている。彼はまだ19歳ですので本当に教えることは早くきゅうしゅうしてくれるので、成長早いです。昨年はジムでの練習と東京での生活をなれながら練習していましたが、今年はもうそういうことを気にせず思い切り頑張ってもらっています。ついこの前のジムの合宿にも参加しないで一人で走りこんでサンドバッグを蹴り続けました。頑張れよRyo!お前ににもペタスコールが起きるように、Faceで風がふくように、戦い方で人が掘れるように。。。オス!
Saturday, February 4, 2006
Nitta didn't quite make it! 新田さん残念でした!

昨日はK-maxの日本代表決定トーナメントはありました、自分はいつもみたいにセコンドをやりました。お正月からずーと毎日厳しい練習をやり続けました、正直に今までのコンディションと違って最高によかったと思いました。しかし、昔からのライバル佐藤選手は思ったよりも大きい壁となった。俺は自身ありましたし、新田さんは今回いけると思ったけど。。。なんと佐藤選手は試合の運び方はうまかったです。負けたことに関しては本当に悔しいです、正直に自分も今回負けたから悔しいです。リベンジを絶対にとりたいです。たまたま、試合の前の日にバイクショップ"SP Works"にハーレーを持っておきました、そこでSteveに初めて出会えました。写真はまだ出来てないので、とりあえず今のハーレーはどんな感じになっているの見せる約束をしました。ま~ほとんど普通ですね!あと一週間ではどんな感じになるのかな?すごく楽しみです。何よりも、今日の日記で新田さんの話題だけにしたくなかったです。。。
www.artworkbysteve.com Check it out!
So I went with Nitta to K-Max Japan tournament yesterday, we had to fight against Sato the tallest japanese middle weight. He is really stable fighter and knows what he is doing in there, know for his lowkicks and never stepping back we knew that we had our hands full. Thing is Nitta could have won this fight, if he had been able to do more of the things we had been working on, then it would have been a better fight. The thing is we thought that Sato's kicks would be strong, and then when we got in there it wasn't anything what we expected. We could tell that he was nervous about Nitta's kicking because he kept clinching and trying his knee's, in the end he was just a smarter fighter. But after training so hard for the fight it feels really empty, I feel drained this time. We put in so much work for it, and in the end he was in better shape, but it still wasn't enough...I feel really like I lost a fight myself. We had better get in the ring soon and Knock someone out and then try and get a rematch with him sometime! I really haven't felt this bad about one of my friends loosing a fight since Ryo Pettas lost his debut fight! Well, he is fighting again next week, on Saturday night. Man, I hope he does well. Anyway, Friday I rolled up at my friends bike SP Works out on Kawagoe kaido. We were going to meet up with Steve the world famous custom pinstripe and paint artist. www.artworkbysteve.com Check it out !
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