So it has already been a week now...I mean it feel like it was just a few days ago that I was at the ring side screaming at Ryo to do his best! Well, he did really well and won the fight 30-27 so tha was pretty convincing. In the second round he dropped the guy, and although he knew that he had to try and get it back, he came out like a thunderstorm in the last round Ryo was calm the whole way through just sticking to his game plan and getting the better of the guy. It was a great releif to see him win, he truly deserves it after all that training. It has been almost a year since he joined the team, and it has not been easy...A small frame weighing in at less than 60kg's but with the heart of a lion. Well done. little brother!
それではもう一週間がたちましたけど、何とゆっくりパソコンの前に座ってこの日記を書く時間は何で見つかっていないか分からないです。。。いつでもすぐ書けると思うと書かないです。BBSでも気になっていた原田さんに質問されるし。。。今日はちゃんと書きたいと思いました。Ryoは本当にいい試合をしました、2ラウンドでダウンをとって後もう一歩でK.O.になりそうだったけど。さすが相手はランク1で、すごい頑張りました。最後のラウンドはゴーからがんがん出てきましたけど、Ryoは全部冷静に返してどっちかというと前に出ていました。。。30-27で判定勝ち!おめでとうRYO PETTAS!