本当ですよ!雨はずっと降り続けているのでハーレーはとりに行けなかったのよ。。。出来たのは出来たけど!しかもちょっとは見たけど、すごくかっこいいですけどまだ乗っていないです。もうすぐ天気はよくなれば乗ります!ハーレーは乗らなかったけどデンマークのテレビ局とそのタレントJan Gintbergはいま日本に来ていてロケ番組を作っているので、なんと二人のツーリングを撮影したいとのこてで月曜日は富士山まで走りました。とてもいいドライバーで本当に楽しかったですけどやはり曇りで現地についても富士山は見えなかった。。。残念!その次の日はジムで一緒に練習をしました、それはまた楽しかったです。タレントは大変ですね!
I know that I said that my Harley was ready but it has just been too bad weather for me to go and get it, so although I caught a quick glimpse of it I still haven't ridden it yet...I can't wait for the weather to clear up a bit more, man it is almost not fair. On the off hand I had the great pleasure of riding down to Mount Fuji with a danish flim crew and did the tour with a very well know tv personality called Jan Gintberg! I think that is how you spell it? Anyway, he was a great guy and we seriously had some fun on the free way together. I changes it a lot when you are a few guys riding together, it was a nice ride although a bit cold coming back. Tuesday we had aggreed on getting together for some training so that I could show him some Kill Bill moves! But I think that once we got startet he was in for a bit more than he had expected...Well, Jan if you happen to stumble on this entry just let me tell you that you did a fine job, and it was a pleasure to meet you, maybe we can get together in Danmark one day...