Today I went to help out Nitta at his fight at the Titans, he was scheduled to fight against Ali Gunya from Turkey. Last time we saw him fight, it was against Albert Kraus in the elimination for the K-Max finals. He is a strong stable fighter, with nice technique. And fair enough he was all over Nitta in the first round, but in the second round Nitta hurt him with the lowkicks and the pace of the fight clearly changed. In the third round Nitta had Ali up against the ropes for most of the round, and I was sure that it was going to be a draw...But he lost 2-1! It was really sad to see him loose yet again, I know how hard he works and I know how much it means to him to win. But this was just not his day, this fight was very important for him and I think that the outcome is a reflection of how his training has been going this time. I just whish that I can get him out of this loosing streak and then bring down some real champions. I was fortunate enough to speak to JWP, John Wayne Parr, while at the arena, I can tell you all that I whish I had a camera, but he he is a really cool dude. A lot of his fans were coming up to him and trying to talk to him, so I helped him out a few times with some translating. His fight against Mike Sambidis got cancelled and that is a shame. Well, I am out of here gotta go to bed because I have a wedding to go to tomorrow down in Kobe.
今家に帰ってきた、今日はTITANSに行って新田さんのセコンドをやりました、今日はAli Gunya選手と戦うことになっていたので。周りの人はみんな辛そうな顔をしながら、大丈夫?を聞いてくるけど、俺はそれに対して、あいつはみんな強い強いって言ってるけど、こっちだって強いから何?とりあえず試合を見てくれって。ま~結果的に言うと負けてしまったけど、普通だったら5ラウンドはあるので。。。それだったらよゆうで勝ちます、3ラウンドは相手が背中をロープにずーとかけたままでで一発を狙っていたけど駄目で3ラウンドはずーと新田ペースでした。最低でもドローにして欲しかったですが。。。まー今度は相手を倒してチャンピョンなりましょうね!新田、あの佐藤選手も待っているし。お前諦めるなよ!俺たちみんな応援しているから、しかも俺は今試合させてもらいないので俺の代わりに勝ったくれ!頼んだぞ。