朝起きて外に顔出したら暑さに驚きました。昨日は花火大会に行って暑いな~と思いましたけど、これはまた違うです。今日ハーレーを洗車してちょっと走りたいって気分でした、新しく買ったパワーホーズで思いっきりバイクを洗いました。あまりにも暑いので上半身を裸になって洗いました、意外と日に焼けるかも。バイク、車自転車は全部きれいになったとき、自分は汗だらけでシャワーを浴びました。そして、バイクに乗ってすごし飛ばしました。エンジン調子最高で本当に気持ちよかったです、バイクはきれいになって自分もきれいになって、何の目的がない走りって言うのはいいですね!来週はSydneyに行ってもうすぐ試合です、本当に楽しみです。体もマインドも最高です、今回も勝ちに行きます。本当は試合が近いと体は練習のおかげさまで最高に疲れるので練習以外のことはほとんど出来ない、けど今回はずーとお正月から戦う体を作っていたのでかなり自身あります。後は試合で思い切りぶつけて勝ちに行けばいいと思っている。Live to Ride, Ride to Live!
It was so hot getting out of the house today, it felt like an assault on my face when I stepped out into the 35 degrees Celsius. The heat hits you like a curtain in the face, and that's when I knew what I had to do. I had to try out my power jet water washer, just arrived last Thursday! So I pulled out my Harley and the car and got down out right dirty, to the tunes of the old 70's movie Car Wash ! When I was done with my bikes and car, even the kids bikes I was drenched in sweat. So I hit the shower, now I was clean, my bike was clean and it is a perfect day. Nothing was going to hold me back from taking my Hog for a spin, and man does it feel good. Next week we are flying down to Sydney to get ready for the fight next week, and I am feeling really good about the whole thing. I have been training to fight right since the beginning of the year, and although several shows have already been cancelled or the police closed down the last show due to the shootings, I have been on track all year, so this is just going to be the topping on the cake to finally get to fight in the ring. Today was just one of those days where everything felt right and taking my bike out on the streets was just what I needed, Live to Ride-Ride to Live!