I just spent the weekend in
Macau, Peter Graham was fighting on the
Macau Xplosion show. It was my second time to visit the gamble Island and I must
admidt that because of all the gambling going on there, things move fast. I mean really fast! I was there just 2 years ago and it wasn't anything like what it is today. It was a pleasure to see that that the actual town is still keeping up and at the same time it is all the same. I mean you can meet the local people and have some great time trying to bargain your way to a better price, and then you can go around the corner and get a nice Mocha
Frappacino at the local Starbucks! The air is bad, too many cars and bikes that are being brought in from Japan, and most of then would not be allowed on the street in Japan. So this causes a lot of pollution in the air and you feel it in your lungs even after just a few days. I
whish they could do something about that, I mean after watching Mr. Al Gore's " An
Inconvinient Truth" you start to look at the world with different eyes. I seriously think that there is something going on over there that needs a better look at. I was very impressed by the
Hong Kong side, it is nothing like you expect it to be. Classy trains take you right into the center of the city, and the urban look that you have imprinted on your mind from "Enter the Dragon" is totally gone. Now to be replaced with the modern look of a city on the rise, in my mind almost a blend of what
Rumania looked liked 10 years ago and Tokyo today! Oh, I almost forgot, the fights...Peter won in the second round on K.O. dropped the guy with
lowkicks 3 times and then it was all over. Good
warmup for the real deal this weekend, in
Aukland where he is fighting Doug Vinnie. I was scheduled to go over there for that one too, but as life has it I have to work here in Japan! Bummer, but my work with him is done, all he has to do now is execute the plan. In the main event we say Clifton Brown try to snatch the title away from Nathan Corbett. But Nathan was just too fast for him, dropped him in the second round with a punch and that was all she wrote. That was his first time to actually defend his
WBC world
Muay Thai title in the cruiser weight class -86
kg's Well done Mate, hope to see you soon again.
らいました。マカオは今回二回目だった、前回は2年前だった。そのときと今回は大きく町は変わっていました、カジノはふえている、ふえればふえるほど町にお金が入る。お金が入ればどんどん良くなっていく、現在カジノの数は35店ぐらいですが2008か2010年までは65店まで増やす予定です。今回とまっていたカジノの目の前は新しく作るメガーシティーって言うカジノを立て始まっている、それは何と世界一番大きいカジノになる予定です。部屋の数は3000を超えるらしい!本当のメガです。しかし、空気は汚い、息は辛い。鼻とのどはかれる、のどはすぐに痛くなった。あまり外で歩かないほうがいいような気がした、しかしセンターには普通の町はあります。普通に買い物が出来るのでそのギャップは面白かったです。ちょっとした裏道に入れば別な世界は待っているので、そこは英語は使えないけど金では何とかなる。また、ほとんどどの店に行っても値段を高く言っているので値下げをお願いすれば、下げてくれるんだ。何も買う気がなくっても下げてくれるのも面白いです。まーあの町は5年したら全然違うと思いますが、まだまだ今は可愛い街って感じです。そうだ!大会の話。。。ピーターはもちろんK.O.勝ち、2ラウンドでローキック3回ゆうき選手をたおしまして。K.O.でした、思うような試合はこびかたじゃなかったため、いろいろと反省点があったから今週のK-1に向けてちょうどいい経験は出来たんじゃないかと思います。メインではネーザン コーベット選手のWBCぼうえいせん、これも2ラウンドでK.O.勝ち、何といってもネーザンはかっこいいです。早く日本での試合は見たいです。