Sunday, November 26, 2006

RYO PETTAS K.O. win in Akita ! K.O. 勝利 in秋田

Just got back from Akita, which is a good 600km drive from Tokyo, and glad to tell you all that Ryo Pettas won his fight by a spectacular knock out. He was up against a more experienced fighter, but nothing was going to stop him yesterday. He had trained hard for the fight and was ready for a war. It was all over almost before it had started, the first round went according to plan and he was showing good motivation. Landing his punches but also taking a few hits, the fight was well matched. Until suddenly out of no where Ryo did a rolling kick and hit the opponent right in the face. One clean shot and it was all over, they had to carry out the guy because he couldn't stand up on his own. What a Knock Out! Well, done. I am going to try and find some pictures somewhere from the show, that I can post later. I was there not just to be the second but I also had a sparring exibition matchup with Nitta, it was really funny to actually have to face him in the ring. I have trained him so much and helped him out so much in his fights in the K-1 and all the other places he has fought, but to actually get to face him was just too weird. Although it is not a real fight, you can't help yourself wondering, what if...all in all it was a good day, I ended up driving 1200km over 2 days. I must admidt that I am glad that he won or all that driving would have been a paid in the a...! :)


昨日夜中1時に家に着いたんです、土曜日から秋田まで車で行ってロッジに泊まって日曜日に試合がありました。初めて出させていただいた大会だったんですけど、秋田のちょう田舎でもキックは燃えていました。自分は新田選手と2ラウンドのエキシビションマッチをやりました、これはまた面白かったです。今までの僕と新田さんの付き合いを振り替えてみると、あれだけスパーリングをやってきたとは言え、あれだけセコンドはやってきたとは言え、昨日はただのエキシビションとは言え。。。彼のリングインを見た瞬間、”ううわああ、新田選手だ~!”って感じしました。非常にいい経験は出来ました、ありがとうございました。お客さんも喜んでくれました、大技をバンバン出して、お互いにミドルキックを蹴り合った時も盛り上がりました!個人的にかなり楽しんでいました、これからも応援をしたいです。個人の話よりも、Ryo Pettas はすごいいい試合をしました、1ラウンドで全部終わりましたが、本当にいいカードでした。相手は身長大きかったけどRyoはスピードがありました、上手い具合にお互いの組み手は取れました。ラスト10秒で回転どうまわし蹴りを出して、いきなりノックアウト!すばらしいかった、この若いRyoは本当にどこまで強くなるのは楽しみです。頑張れよ!RYO PETTASみんな応援しているから!今回Dragon Gym代表佐藤さんにも大変お世話になりました、ありがとうございました。これからもよろしくお願いします!


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