そうだ、腕の話なんですが全然大丈夫です。昨日本格的なギブスを巻きました、これは今月いっぱいつけて来月は取り外しが出来るものに変えて。練習開始だ!すぐですよ、このケガは今までしたケガと比べてみるとなんでもないです。ちょっと今家でヒマをしているだけです。来週はチームの練習は始まるのでそこで口を動かす練習にはなると思います。しかし2007年って言うか新しい年をあけるとわくわくして、きっと今年は面白くなるんじゃないか。そして、マーク ギンサーが日本に帰ってきます、リハビリには最高です、俺は早くジムに戻りたいです。
So I was going to buy a new car if I won my fight last week but...since I lost I had to settle for this little one. It is a Lego replica of a Ferrari Spider, and I look really cool in it. I whish I could get a real new car, but at least I get to dream about it. By the way just in case you were wondering if I could have or were going to buy the real Ferrari! Then let me just let you know that there is no way I could afford a car like that on the money I make fighting. I was looking at something bigger and cheaper( a lot cheaper), I have a whole bunch of kids that I have to fit in there too, so a sports car is not really what I want.
Oh, about my arm? It is doing great, I finally got the hard cast on it and now it is just 3 or 4 weeks like this then, I am changing to a smaller cast that I can take on and off for showers and light training. So this is not really a big setback, I have a lot of experience with injuries and can adjust quite easy to it. I also have a very good idea of how to rehab, plus Mark Ginther my long time friend and personal trainer is moving back to Japan this month. I am sure he is going to get my ass into the gym soon and then there is no escaping. I already look forward to it.