それではオランダから帰ってきました、結果は皆さんがテレビで見たどうりです。あっという間にAertsの膝蹴りをもらってしまったため、いきは出来なかったのでテン(10)カウントの間には立ち上がれなかったです。まさかのK.O.負けになってしまった、残念でした。会場から大ブーイングを受けながらものが飛んできます、頭の上にビールはこぼされるし。。。たしかに弱かったけど、それはちょっとって感じでした。Bobは昔からの友人であるので今回は誰もいなかったので僕にお願いしてきましたため、オランダまで一緒に行きましたけどこんな風になるのは分からなかったです。自分としてはもう少し練習期間は欲しかったです。ただ、一つ言えるのはあの膝蹴りは本当に痛かったそうです、練習は出来ていないと立ち上がれないです。しかも、Aerts選手は世界No.1選手ですので甘く見ちゃいけないと思います。今回はこんな感じで終わってしまったけど、これからはちゃんと練習してもらって本当に新しいビースト、もしくは生まれ変わったビーストを見せてもらいたいです。。。それよりも自分は香港の試合があるのでそれに向かって今前すぐ走っています。自分は自分ですので、そこで結果を残せて秋のワールドGP に出れるようになりたいです。
What a shame it was to see a friend in such a situation. I mean, I understand all the circumstances involved around this fight, but still I think we can safely say that we were hoping for something that at least lasted a bit longer. But being a fighter myself, I know how hard it can be if you are not prepared properly. I just wish that we could have had some more time to prepare for this fight, I was asked just recently if I would help out, and being an old friend of Bob's I felt that I wanted to do what I could. We didn't have much to work with, and there was so much going on before and after the fight I feel that it is almost a miracle that he even made into the ring. I know that this was not the start that even he was hoping for, but you take what you can and that kick truly hurt him and sent him to the canvas. I have tried it myself and when you feel like someone has just stabbed you in the gut with an old rusted blade dipped in salt, there truly is not much that you can do. But roll up in the fetal position and wait for it to pass...I take my hat off for one of the greatest fighters of all time, Peter Aerts, he came in prepared to take on the world, and he did what he could to win. It must have been a huge disappointment to have a fight that has been hyped up so much to last such a short time. But honestly it just proves how good he is, perfect timing on the knee and that is all the big guy wrote that day. I also wish that Bob could have performed better, but that is because I know that he wanted to dig deep and find it inside of him. But when you get caught then you get caught...Let's hope that this is not the last time to see him in the ring again, next time I would like to see him in good shape and just doing it right. Apart from that I now got the fights in Hong Kong to look forward to, so I am going to be very busy training this next month!