I have been pondering the effect of me helping out Bob in the ring recently...I think that many people have different ideas of how things work in this business, but I also feel that many fail to see what really goes on behind the scenes. I can understand that he has been made out to be somewhat of an abomination, but I can truly tell you that he is more professional in his ways that any other fighter out there. That is why he is not a fighter but a showman, but he is a very good showman. If it was his game plan to make everyone hate him, then he has succeed it to it's fullest. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie with Jim Carey, where he portrays an American comedian. He keeps doing these pranks, and every time he does them he ends up in trouble.
With him you never really knew where the line was, because he started way over the line ahead of everyone else. Anyway, I forget the title of the movie, but this guy started to wrestle women for entertainment. And he did a great job of getting the whole country to hate him, but at the end of the day it was all just a joke. Sometimes the joke just wasn't for everybody, but only to be understood by the people on the inside. During this time, he was one day challenged by the Male wrestling champion and almost got himself killed in the ring. Taking the whole incident to court and using the media to make a huge thing about the whole incident. But it was all in the name of great pro. wrestling! He had me fooled! And I think that he also had the rest of America fooled, and that my friends is great entertainment. I myself am not much for it, because it is not what I can do professionally. But regardless of everything, Bob has done some quite amazing things in his record of fighting, and they are all undeniable. So maybe it is time to see past all the laughing and posing, all the big talk and dig a bit deeper and look at what is actually going on. Given the chance this guy could actually make the transformation from big mouth to big fighting...I have know him for a long time, and I recently found out the depth of his professionalism. That is why I choose to stand by him, when none other would. He had me fooled is all I can say without breaching the confidentiality of our trust. And I am not talking about this last fight, he really went down. It was just not his day, and that is the simple truth of it. I hope that all the people involved are able to get together and finalise something that will see him back in the ring again. So that he will at least have a chance at some real redemption! At the end of the day people still want to take there photo with, or get an autograph and he never says no to any of that. He always has time for the fans, they are what made him to what he is today. He never forgets that, and seeing him with the press and the fans is just another side of who he is. Well, I was just hoping that maybe we could use a bit of some positive discussion, apart from the silence that I have been given lately...
