Yes, we all got together for one great X-mas party at Lawry's Primerib. I am only going to show the size of the steaks that we were eating! Because they were out of control...Bob had us try the size that is not on the menu, it is called a BEEF BOWL. I couldn't believe my eyes when they cut those huge slabs of rib out. But we finished it all in good Viking style. I think this kind of gorging is good for the mind of a fighter, it teaches you never to give up!!!!
今年のクリスマスパーティーはローリーズ プライム リブでやりました、本当に美味しいですけどボブ・サップさんはメニュー外のサイズをみんなに注文しました。それは何と1kgのBEEF BOWL ビーフ ボールって言う訳分からないサイズでした!僕はバイキングのプライドを持って全部食べましたけど、本当に辛かったです。。。