Monday, September 29, 2008

Wikipedia の日本語版もありました。。。

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
移動: ナビゲーション, 検索
ニコラス・ペタス(Nicholas Pettas、1973年1月23日 - )は、デンマーク出身の男性空手家キックボクサー。身長180cm、体重105kg。チーム・スピリット・AE所属。
1 来歴
2 戦績
3 エピソード
4 出演作品
5 関連項目
6 外部リンク
7 脚注

[編集] 来歴
1998年よりK-1に参戦し、2001年にはK-1 JAPAN王者にも輝いた。
2001年12月8日、K-1 WORLD GP 2001の決勝大会で、アレクセイ・イグナショフと対戦。2R、イグナショフの首相撲からの膝蹴りが顔面に直撃し鼻骨を骨折、TKO負け。
2006年3月18日、XPLOSION SUPER FIGHT 13のセミファイナルでマット・サモアと対戦予定であったが、興行の途中で観客が発砲する騒ぎが発生し、試合は中止となった[1]
2006年12月31日K-1 PREMIUM 2006 Dynamite!!にてバダ・ハリと対戦。実に4年振りとなるK-1出場であったが、1R中盤にバダのキックで左腕を痛めてしまい、2Rにバダのボディブローを負傷している左腕に受けてしまい、ダウンを取られ、セコンドがタオルを投入、敗北した。またしても、左腕の骨折というアクシデントを負った。
2007年8月5日、K-1 WORLD GP 2007 IN HONG KONGにてピーター・アーツと対戦。序盤にはフックの連打で、アーツをロープ際に棒立ちにさせたチャンスもあったが、最後はアーツの右ハイキックでKO負け。
2007年11月9日にジム開きされた「A・E FACTORY」の打撃担当コーチに就任。
2007年12月31日、「K-1 PREMIUM 2007 Dynamite!!」でキム・ヨンヒョンと対戦。身長2mを越す長身の相手の圧力に押し込まれる部分もあったが、右ローキックを相手左腿に集め、2RにKO勝ちした。入場時には綾戸智絵の生歌で入場した。
2008年2月29日、クラブファイトイベント「SMOKER's」をプロデュース。ペタス率いる「チーム・ペタス」と、阿部裕幸率いる「AACC Tigres」の対抗戦が行われた。
2008年8月9日K-1 WORLD GP 2008 IN HAWAIIの1回戦でリック・チークと対戦するも、右太腿内側の筋肉を負傷し、試合放棄した。
[編集] エピソード

[編集] 出演作品

Wikipedia has a page on me now...

Nicholas Pettas
The Blue-Eyed Samurai
Denmark USA
Date of birth
January 23, 1973 (1973-01-23) (age 35)
Place of birth
Mykonos, Greece
Fighting out of
Tokyo, Japan
1.80 m (5 ft 11 in)
98 kg (216.1 lb/15.4 st)
Team Spirit AE
Years active
17 (1991–present)
Kickboxing record
By knockout
By knockout
Other information
Martial Arts InstructorDojo Owner
Notable students
Koichi Watanabe
Official site
Nicholas "The Blue-Eyed Samurai" Pettas (Japanese: ニコラス・ペタス) (born 23 January 1973, Mykonos) is a Danish professional Heavyweight karateka, martial artist, and actor, fighting Team Sprit in Tokyo, Japan. Pettas mainly competes in top-level martial arts organization K-1 since 1998 as the winner of K-1 Japan Grand Prix 2001 champion.[2]
1 Biography and career
2 Titles
3 Filmography
4 See also
5 External links
6 References

[edit] Biography and career
Pettas was born in Greece, however he moved to Denmark when he was just 3 years-old after his father's death. After getting a hiding in a street fight at the age of 14 he decided to join a Karate style. Not knowing which styles there were he was introduced to Kyokushin Karate by Michael Mattheson, a friend of Tony Pettas. He found himself a new following and needed no more schooling, and so at the age of 16 he decided to leave high school in order to save up money to go to Japan and study with Master Oyama. He was influenced by the movie The Karate Kid starring Ralph Macchio, and evetually wanted to present the next true Karate Kid in the movies by having actually done the real thing. After getting permission to join the Uchi Deshi program, a living in-student 1000 days training program, he moved to Japan from Denmark at the age of 18. At the age of 21 he completed the vigorous training course to become the first non-japanese ever.
After his graduation of the programme, he competed in several tournaments and achieved many significant titles and honours such as reaching the title in European Karateka Championships and 5th and 3th places in World Championships, respectively in 1995 and 1997.
Following his successful performances, he attracted Japan based, top-notch martial arts organization K-1 by 1998 at at K-1 DREAM '98 and made his debut against German kick boxer Stefan Leko. He made his K-1 peak at K-1 World Grand Prix 2001, held at Tokyo Dome in 12 August 2001.[3]
Pettas had an interval between 2002 and 2006 in K-1 and returned to the rings with his bout up against Dutch fighter Badr Hari at K-1 Dynamite 2001, the annual new year's eve gala held in Japan.[4] Pettas had been beaten 5 times consecutive by his opponents however he did not surrender fighting and clutched a sensational KO victory against South Korean fighter Kim Young-Hyun at K-1 PREMIUM 2007 Dynamite!! in Osaka, 31 December 2007.[5]
Pettas, as an expatriate person in Japan, also raised his fame in Cinema of Japan in recent years.

[edit] Titles
Pettas had several achievements in different tournaments related to Karate and K-1, successively:[6]
K-1 Japan Grand Prix Champion: 2001
7th World Open Karate Tournament 1999 (IKO-1): 5th Place (Lost to Alexander Pitchkunov)
6th World Open Karate Tournament 1995 (IKO-1): 5th Place (Lost to Francisco Filho)
1st World Weight Category Championships 1997 (IKO-1): 3rd Place
The 10th.Shin Karate World Championships Champion: 1999
26th All Japan Open Karate Tournament: 1994 (IKO-1)
'95 European Heavyweight champion

[edit] Filmography
House of Smack Down (2003)
Road 88 (2003)
Sibirian Express 5 (2004)
Wrestling Inferno (2005)
The Winds of God, Kamikaze (2005)
LoveDeath (2006)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

That was some fights the other night!

I thought that Badr would make easy work out of Honman, but I guess even for him it was hard to fight someone that much bigger. Now I guess you can appreciate how hard it is for us mini heavy weights to fight it up against the big boys. The difference in height is a lot more than just 10 cm, it can mean everything in a fight like that. I spent yesterday at the swimming school with the girls, my oldest daughter actually participated in two different races and took gold in both of them. I think that loosing last year must have been a big shock to her, because this year she was flying through the water!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sports Festival at the local school

Yes, I know that the K-1 is on in Korea, if things had worked out in Hawaii. It could have been my against Rey Sefo, instead I have to sit here and watch it on the TV. I am pretty exited about the fights today and really look forward to seeing Badr Hari knocking out Choi. And apart from all the frenzy around the K-1, I just spent half my day at my girls school. They were having their annual sports festival, and since they have all been working so hard to get everything ready it is always worthwhile to see them. Most of the kids know who I am so I get along with them really well, they always want to see my muscles and arm wrestle!


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday I met up with Nitta and the other people involved in the promotion, and they had a big surprise for me. I promised not to tell anyone yet, but there will be a mayor come back fight on the card of the 31st. So I am sure that fans will not want to miss this show! Fight card to be announced soon, so please keep checking for updates. About the actual concept of having a Halloween Party, I guess we are all going to have to dress up a bit. I would like to go as Spider-Man, but I don't think I will look too good in a full body suit like that. I would probably look more like a Hulk in a spider outfit!!!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Yes, the next date for the SMOKERS PARTY in ZEST EBISU is set for the 31st. of October and as you already know that is HALLOWEEN. I guess we are all going to have to dress up for it and go trick 'r treating! I can't wait for this next event, it is going to be a great show, and we are also already in the process of booking for the next show in Dec. That one is going to be big too!

次回のSMOKERSの日程は決まりました!10月31日です EBISU ZESTでハロウィーンPARTYにしました。皆さん何を着てこられますか?僕たちもいろいろと考えていますので、頑張ってHALLOWEENを盛り上げましょう。僕は誰よりも楽しみにしているので絶対に面白いイベントになると思います。よろしくお願いします!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Yes, it is a little story about a small part of Greece called Sparta! The movie about the story was made up in a comic book, and later this became the base for the movie. It is more or less based on historical facts, but since then it has ofcourse moved into a bit of fantasy. But I like the movie and story for its hard core passion, and fierce fighting spririt. It has love, politics, drama and lots of fighting, so what more can you really ask for? Oh, yeah everybody looks great, the guys are ripped and the women look out of this world. But my favorite scene in the movie is in the beginning where King Leonidas as a boy faces a wolf. The narration says"It is not fear that grips the boy, only a heightened sense of being. He strikes. His form is perfect!" That is what it is all about, to be able to live in that moment and strike with perfect form in the face of death. Thus turning misfortune into a winning moment!


Monday, September 22, 2008

back from running

Just finished running and thought I would share lunch with you. Avocado 3 eggs with cheese and water, finished off with a Nashi pear as a dessert!


Autum is coming

It was actually cold yesterday, I was on my bike and just drove down to the gym but if I hadn't had my windbreaker on I would have been cold. It has been so hot for so long now, that it was actually nice for a while. I have started running a little bit, but still only on the machine in the gym. I really want to start running outside again, but I don't think my body is up for it yet. I am able to kick the bag a little bit now, nothing real fancy yet but it is a good start. I am stretching out and trying to make the torn muscles flexible again. And then I started doing injury preventive weight training with Mark Ginther, and he is killing me in the gym. Although we are not using heavy weights, I am sore all the time from the super sets we are doing. I guess it is high time that I got back into to proper shape again. I know it has not been that long, but it is amazing how fast your body changes when you are not careful.

昨日ジムに行ったときジャンパーを着てよかったです!寒かったです、やっぱりもうすぐ10月に入ると寒くなります。さすがに熱いのはちょっと疲れたので昨日は気持ちよくバイクに乗れた。朝のランニングを始めた、それで朝早く起きてジムに行くんですが本当は公園で走りたいです。ただ、外で走るのはまだ怖いです、足は本当によくなっているけどもし急な動きはあると頼れないのでしばらくジム内のマシーンで走ります。走った後にいつもの50回の腕立ては相変わらずやっているし、そして、じゅうなんをして全身をやわらかくする。最近またマークギンサーさんとの筋トレを復活しました、それはまだ本当にきつい。スタミナと筋力は一ヶ月であんなに変わるもんですね。300っていう映画のメーキングを見てたら映画の撮影に入る前に2ヶ月間全員筋肉と戦うためのくんれんをされたので。やっぱり撮影に入ったとき映りはよかったです、僕らは試合の準備と同じぐらい頑張っていたもしくはもっと厳しかった。だってなれてない戦いと体つくりは8週間で出来ないといけないです。僕はあの映画好きです。ギリシャ生まれの僕は300をイメージして今から走りにいく”This is SPARTA!"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Janjira Gym first aniversary !

Last night I went to the Janjira Muay Thai Gym, for their first aniversary!It was really nice to hook up with Shin, the owner of the gym again. We used to train in the Saekson Janjira Gym in South LA, more than 10 years ago. It brings back a lot of great memories, and seeing how he was teaching the kids I knew that he was keeping the Janjira spirit alive. I didn't know he had opened up a gym, so when I bumped into him at the Korakuen recently I was so surprised. I really want to go back there and train together, it is such a real Thai gym, and I am sure that he will have some good fighters coming out of there soon enough.

昨日はJanjira Muay Thai Gymの1年記念Partyに行きました。10年前にロスにあったSaekson Janjira先生のもとで自分とJanjira Japanジムの会長Shinさんと出会って、よく一緒に練習しました。試合にも一緒に出ましたし、本当に懐かしい仲間との再会が出来てうれしいです。ジムは本当のタイ式で外から見えるので最高にいいです。僕もこれから顔を出してまた一緒に練習したいです。一年よく頑張っていい生徒さんがついているんじゃない。この一年は10年になるように頑張ってほしいです。


I really don't get it

So someone actually sat down and went throught the effort of making this video...I truly don't get it. And this was his comment on the video:

This is to all idiots. You know who you are.This video is supposed to be comical. If you don't get it that's your problem.I'm just saying that if Nicholas Pettas would listen to his own advice he might win a match.

If you want to see it for yourself, then feel free to check it out.

Thank you for the effort, although I am not sure what point it is you are trying to portray?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A long week

So it looks like we made it through another week, I had quite a week and was finally glad to know that all the training was over. And to top it all off I caught a glimpse of how beautiful the sun can look like, and probably the reason for why Japan is called the land the rising sun. Although the sun was not rising here it was on its was down, it was still breath taking awesome. I know this picture does not justify it, but I had to stop on my bike and just take a look at it.


Friday, September 19, 2008

I finally got through the second stage!

I have not been able to play for quite some time now, but lately I have been able to sit down and just focus. I am playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on the ps3, and I set it to the hardest level so there are some serious contenders in there. But once I set my mind to getting through the levels I can really enjoy it. The game is unfolding in different parts of the world and you get to enjoy all kinds of environments, plus it has the whole full cast of all the other games in it so you get to enjoy a cool story line. This combined with all the weapons you can acquire is totally awesome. About the gaming thing, I play when I can and feel like it but if I don't have the time or feeling then I can put the game down for months at a time and then suddenly go back to it.


Dinner with S'Factory !

Last night I was out with S'Factory and we had a great time. We were at this small place in Nerima and they asked us if we would order a fish head! It was huge and really yummy. I am not sure how they cook it, but I think it got put in the oven. Anyway it was so tender, kind of like a pot roast just with a fishy kind of taste to it...And then there was some serious pictures taken and a lot of beer consumed. Do you like the T-Shirt I am wearing? it is one of the new designs from S'Factory, I think it is really cool. On the back it has rhine stones from Swarovski. Check it out;


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flat tire

I drove out to Chigasaki, which is about 50 Km from Tokyo, yesterday with one of my fighters Maruyama. I have a friend out there who owns a big sports school, and they were talking about hiring a personal kickboxing trainer. So Maruyama being the perfect candidate stepped up for the position and we drove out there and negotiated the deal.On the way out there we took the local streets to see how long it would take and on the way back we went high way. It took about 1 hour to get there on the normal streets and it would have taken me about 35min. on the high way, had it not been for a suddenly inflation of my back tire! I was doing around 85km/hour when I felt that back of my back starting to slip away from me. I slowed down a bit and then tried bouncing up and down a bit, because I was not quite sure what had happened. But when Maruyama caught up to me we knew for sure. I was still about 20km away from my house, and this might sounds kind of stupid but I seriously needed to get back and switch bikes. Because I needed to drive back and forth between two gym's in order to teach. So I took it slowly kind of wobbly but I actually made it all the way home on my flat tire. I don't think I would like to try that again, but at least I made it back and everything looks fine. Except, I have not had a bike experts opinion yet...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Avril Lavigne Concert

Last night a friend of mine got me and my whole family into the Avril Lavigne concert in Tokyo Dome. It was really cool! We even got to meet her and take a picture and get an autograph!

昨日友達はAvril Lavigneのコンサートにチケットをくれました、そして何と本人にも会えました!最高です、僕の娘は大ファンですので本人に会うのは夢だったらしい。。。可愛い!

Monday, September 15, 2008

This is Koichi's leg !

The Tattoo was not done on my arm, it was all done on Koichi's leg! :)


Sunday, September 14, 2008

I might just have done it !

I got inspired!

Friday, September 12, 2008

MRI was good

Yesterday afternoon I had an MRI taken of my inner thigh, and it looked real good. There is still pain there, but the muscle has been healing really well. I was told that I can start to kick again, and that now I need to start stretching it out good. I think I will be back in real action soon enough, and that is going to make me feel good. I like training when my body feels good, it always gives me a inner peace and strength that I cherish. I hate being injured because it feels like my whole life is on pause, fortunately this injury didn't keep me in the house and I have been able to take care of a lot of things that normally I don't have time for. But now that I can start focusing on the next target, I am getting exited again.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

One day at a time

I know that yesterday was kind of a weird day, I was feeling really eerie all day myself. It was actually a bit cold in Japan, training didn't feel right and I ended up going home early and just taking the evening off. Today I am going in for the follow up MRI and then we will know exactly how much I can push myself. I have been building it up slowly, and it has been coming along quite fine. I am able to run a bit now and that is always good. Running for me has always been kind of spiritual, in the sense that when I run I find myself in the zone. I always do my mental preparations during the run, because it helps me pass the time and it is a good way of working on my focusing powers while under pressure. Here are two pictures of two different cakes, one is in Japan with a cup of Cappuccino. The other was taken in Hawaii! check out the difference in size...


9.11 this is that day!

I was out training in the morning, when I came back my wife was sitting in front of the TV. I was not quite sure what was going on, but there was some serious smoke coming out of the twin towers in NY. I changed channels to the CNN and then I could hear and understand from the commenting that there was some kind of terrorist attack going on. And that was when the next airplane suddenly hit the building! I couldn't believe my eyes, so there we sat just the two of us glued to the screen until the buildings collapsed. Later that night, a friend of mine had a baby girl born and I realized that no matter what the human race as a people have an enormous capacity for survival. As life was being destroyed on one side of the planet, the other side was already busy making up for it. It is the circle of life, and in all bad things there is always something positive to be found. To all the people that lost their lives on that day and all the other people whom ever lost their lives because super powers could not figure out where the middle ground was, I hope you all have finally found peace.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I was flicking chanels on the set...

When I ran across The Karate Kid! As most of you know I Love the movie and it was my original inspiration to start Martial Arts. So I got into a bit of a nostalgic mode, this is me when I was 16 years old and training Karate with my friends in Denmark.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Team Spirit New Boy SHIN !




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Sunday, September 7, 2008

I think you know how much I love movies..

Well, I love movies. I love watching them and I love acting in them. I love just about everything there is to love about movies. There are movies you can learn things from and there are movies you walk away from, feeling like you have just been taken on an adventure. Those are the movies I love the most, but then once in a while I come across a movie that just doesn't do it for me. And after seeing and being a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, I had my hopes set high for the next Johnny Depp movie, called Sweeney Todd. But before I go into a long tale about the movie,let me just tell you that this is the first movie that both my wife and I have fallen asleep to together...

さー僕は映画好きです。本当に大好きです、映画に出るのも好きです、見るのも好きです。僕はほとんど映画のすべたが好きです。いろんな学べる映画があればただ楽しめる映画もあります。本当に冒険につれてってもらった映画があります、僕はそういう映画が一番好きですけど、たまーには本当につまらない映画にも出会えるときはあります、大体がまんをして最後まで見れるけど。。。パイレーツの三作品を見た上ではJohnny Debbに大きいなきたいを持っていたのにこの映画だけは始めて嫁と二人で寝てしまったです!それ以上はいう必要ないと思います。。。

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Leona Lewis!

Yes, I know it, the album has been out for ages already. But I just bought it yesterday, and the whole family loves it. When we were in Hawaii, they were playing the Leona Lewis song "Bleeding Love". And we all fell in love with her voice, now every time I hear that song it brings me back to Hawaii. It was not all bad memories of injuries and lost dreams, there was a lot of positive energy over there too. I would like to go there and live for some time, everything just seems to be moving along at a different pace than here. Have you heard the lyric on this song? My heart is crippled by the vein I keep closing, you cut me open and I keep bleeding love...unreal, I wish I could write like that...

このアーチスト分かりますか?Leona Lewisっていう今年で大ブレイクした新人です。イギリスのX-Factorで優勝をしてから1st。アルバムは世界に大きいな波を起こしました。僕はハワイに行ったときにラジオで毎日聞きました、そこでこの曲とこのアーチストを好きになりました。そして、この曲がながれるとハワイにいる自分に戻ります、夕方の気持ちい風がプールから上がった自分の体をかわかしてくれる。海に日が沈むと星が一個一個出てきます、冷えたビールや白ワインはおいしい。いや、夢をくれる曲です。

Friday, September 5, 2008

Japanese Pasta !

There is a chain of restaurants in Japan called Goemon, and they specialize in Eastern style Pasta's. I have been going there for years, and there was actually a time when after training on Saturdays we would all go. It was just like part of the schedule, finish training on Saturday afternoon and then over to the Goemon. My favorite two dishes are these two you can see here on the picture. I can never make up my mind of which one to get, so I often end up ordering them both! Like yesterday when I had lunch with my friend Issa, I was really hungry because we had been working out hard in the gym. And then again couldn't make up which one to get, so I just went on ahead and got the both. The one the left is a chili tomato carbonara...Uhmm Yummy! And the right one is a cod egg cream sauce one. Oh, Man I am getting hungry just looking and talking about the dishes!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mountain Fuji to be World Heritage!

There is a fund in Japan which is trying to get the Mount Fuji recognized as a National Treasure, and there by getting world recognition as a monument. But it is a long and very bumpy road to get there. I was introduced to the people working on the project yesterday, and as a token of my support I gave them a specially made card board with my message both written and collage version. I am going to give them my full support and help out at some events coming in the future, both because I love Mt. Fuji and also because it should be recognized as a World Heritage.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh My God

Have you seen this ??? Unreal, look at how small those other sky scrapers look! 688meters, I would love to see the view from that building.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is this who some of you might think it is?

Recently in Japan there is a guy that looks almost exactly like my friend here on the picture, who has become really famous for singing traditional Japanese enka songs. It is the old style of singing and normally only grown ups would sing these kind of songs, but he has them seriously down. Cool kid, just like my friend here. Issa can't hear it enough, when he walks down the street in Shibuya girls come up to him and ask to take his picture. And no matter how much he tells them no it is not the guy the think it is, they still line up and take a couple of shots. So of course I keep teasing him about that! He has been coming in to the gym for some experience of real fighting and to learn how it is we all train for the fights. When I fight he always comes and cheers me on. Issa has been going to school in England for the past year, and now that the summer vacation is over he is going back. But before he does I thought I would help toughen him up a bit, because you never know what can happen out there in the big world when you are all alone.


Monday, September 1, 2008

鰒 I wanna be

SUWA is the name of the guy in this picture. He used to be a professional wrestler in Japan, until he retired a few years back. He has recently opened up this bar in Ginza, a small place with streaming video's of wrestling where men come to have a quiet drink. I had a great time with the other guys and we all talked about Wrestling and fighting. If you find yourself in Ginsa and want to check it out then give them a cal at 03-3572-0029, I don't think they speak English but they are nice guys. By the way, when he was wrestling he used to have a shaved head!

I kind of miss Hawaii

Now that I am back here in Tokyo in the daily grinder I am thinking that I miss Hawaii a lot. We were so lucky to stay in the coolest place with a pol and everything. The kids loved it and I could both train and relax at the same place. It gets nice and cool in the evening, and the pace of the Island is a lot more slowed down that Tokyo. It might have been nice because I was just there for one purpose, but it definitely gave me something to think about. I started back in training today, taking it slow. But I feel a big improvement on my leg, look forward to when it gets real good so I can start kicking again. I think that wont be for another month or so...最近天気のことばかり書いて、なんかハワイは恋しくなりました。本当に最高のところに泊まりましたし、夕方になると涼しいし。いや~東京はやっぱり忙しいです。昨日は昼から友達とお互いの子供をDisneylandに行こうかという話をしていましたけど、天気予報では雨!そしたら、子供は走り回っても良いようなレストーランに行ってゆっくり食事をしてから。TokyuHandsのメッセに行って選らないものを買うか?っていうことになった、しかし全然天気は悪くならなかった。むしろ最高によかったです!Handsの買い物が終わって外に行ってまだ雨が降らない。。。そこで友達の子供に”ニコラス!雨降ってないよ!”を言われた直後大雨でした!私たちは皆タクシーに乗ったすぐ後だったので分かれるタイミングはばっちりでした。

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