Yes, I know it, the album has been out for ages already. But I just bought it yesterday, and the whole family loves it. When we were in Hawaii, they were playing the Leona Lewis song "Bleeding Love". And we all fell in love with her voice, now every time I hear that song it brings me back to Hawaii. It was not all bad memories of injuries and lost dreams, there was a lot of positive energy over there too. I would like to go there and live for some time, everything just seems to be moving along at a different pace than here. Have you heard the lyric on this song? My heart is crippled by the vein I keep closing, you cut me open and I keep bleeding love...unreal, I wish I could write like that...
このアーチスト分かりますか?Leona Lewisっていう今年で大ブレイクした新人です。イギリスのX-Factorで優勝をしてから1st。アルバムは世界に大きいな波を起こしました。僕はハワイに行ったときにラジオで毎日聞きました、そこでこの曲とこのアーチストを好きになりました。そして、この曲がながれるとハワイにいる自分に戻ります、夕方の気持ちい風がプールから上がった自分の体をかわかしてくれる。海に日が沈むと星が一個一個出てきます、冷えたビールや白ワインはおいしい。いや、夢をくれる曲です。