Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year !

So we all made into the new year, I was out with Bob and everyone after the fight. It was a good night, Dynamite delivered what they always promise, Dynamite!

There were some awesome fights and some serious K.O.'ts, but that is what the fighting game is all about. I wish you all the best in the new year to come.

Welcome to 2009.

あけましておめでとうございます! 2009年へようこそう!



そういえば、会場にKONISHIKIさんに会いました!すごいやせててびっくりしました、半分になったんじゃない?本当にすごい、元気そうで何よりでした、Good job Brother from another Mother!

Monday, December 29, 2008


It is always a great opportunity to meet people around the events, there are promoters and fighters and friends that all come together. I know most of the people involved and getting to see them all again is always a good thing. Today they are having the press conference in Shinjuku, and I am sure that there will be a lot of fans there checking it all out. Bob seems to be ready and focused on his fight, yesterday we had lunch at a small chinese place a bit out from the hotel.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

2 days left

There is only two days left of this year, and the only thing that come to mind is, did I do what I wanted to this year? Well, I think now is a good time to ask yourself that question? I had some ups and downs, but nothing I couldn't handle, so more or less I did what I set my self out to do. Next year the mission is going to be a bit different than this year, but still the same nothing I can't handle or at least nothing I don't think I can't handle.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lost pictures

When I went downto Izu the other day, I took all these great pictures. But it turned out that the camera was set to film mode and they all ended up being tiny bits of film, that I can upload to my blog! So I am really sad that I can't show you all the nice people I met during my forest trip on my search for the best Shiitake mushrooms. Crying 1


Friday, December 26, 2008

Dynamite !

Yep these Dudes are training in my gym these days...Next week is Dynamite and although I am not fighting I might still get a chance to go, Bob asked me to help him out in the corner in his fight against Kinniku-Man(Muscle-Man) on New Years Eve!
This is Maurice Smith, my first Kickboxing Teacher, and for those of you who don't know who this legend is, then let me just tell you that before K-1 he was undefeated in 12 years as the heavy weight world champion...I think that speaks for it self.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is Japanese Shiitake

So down in Izu, Shizuoka I met a lot of great people, it was a lot of fun and I got to work a bit outside in the forest. I guess that you never really think about how the small things that goes into your bento box are made, well there is a huge amount of work done in just getting the Shiitake ready. I was very impressed with the farmers, being a 4th. generation farmer the last in line of more than 150 years of tradition of making Shiitake. Imagine the growth in the industry when the chainsaw was developed? Or when the car and caterpillar was developed? Now a days the farmers have 10.000 logs to prepare per season, and they don't sprout any Shiitake until the 3rd. season. That means you don't get to see the fruits of your labor until 3 years later, then there is a lot of rotating the fields and harvesting. The funny thing is that once they bloom they grow from a tiny little sprout to a full grown Shitake in less that 3 weeks!

静岡、伊豆に行ってきました。シイタケの畑を研究にというよりもシイタケはどうやって育てるか、それとその育てる人たちの情熱をさぐりながらおいしいシイタケを作って、食べて僕はDelicious Nipponのロケーションレポーターで行きました。シイタケはいつもお弁当に入っている、お正月の料理に出ている、シイタケご飯。。。たくさんな料理に出ているけど、そんなに目が行くというよりもないとお弁当は始まらないって感じですが。そのシンプルなシイタケは実に言うとすごい手間がかかっている、一つの畑に5万本を立てて毎年3年後のシイタケの準備をしている作業は本当にすごいです。自分は番組内で一通りをやりましたけど、たった1日修行であんなにシイタケと親しくなると思えなかったですけど。これからシイタケを食べることがあればその1日の体験は絶対に忘れられないです。NHKの国際放送部のおかげです、ブリやシイタケと本当に好きになりました。ちなみに、あのシイタケはシーズンが始まったけど、0.2cmから大人の立派なシイタケまで大きくなるのは何と3週間以内で育つみたいです。前振りは長いけど始まると早いです、よく森のアワビって聞きましたけど、僕は森の流れ星っていうっていいんじゃないかと思いました!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Is this the real X-Mas ?

it is the 25th. today, and in most of the world this is the day celebrated as X-Mas day. But I grew up in Denmark and we always had the big family dinner on the 24th. in the evening. After having watched the last episode of Jule Kalenderen! A program that starts on the 1st. of Dec. and counts down to the 24th. It has been aired for decades and everyone in Denmark knows about it, it is part of the whole tradition of building up the joy about the special season. This shot was taking on location in Shizuoka, Mt. Fuji always gives you something...


Merry Christmas !

I was out of Tokyo the last 2 days and there was no time to get online, working on location in Shizuoka on my NHK program called Delicious Nippon. Once I get this X-Mas over I will upload a few pictures.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tokyo Disneyland

Oh, yes! I was there yesterday, and it was just as crowded as I thought it would be...we are talking about more than 2 hours to get in on the Honey Hunt with Winnie the Poh ! There is no way you will get me to stand in a line like that for so long with 3 kids that are fighting??? But we still managed to have some fun, I got to go on the Star Tours and almost threw up from the flying around in space, then I was on a kids roller coaster in Toon Town where I also almost threw up...I think it is safe to say that I have no clue why people want to go on those things...And then even why anyone would want to wait for more than 2 hours to get sick in the head and gut?
Mickey is kind of cute though.

昨日はDisneylandに行きました、やっぱり込んでいた!込んでいるというよりも、どうやってあんな人が入っているのになんとか回っている?不思議でしょうがないです、プーさんのハニーハントは2時間以上の待ち時間があった、平均でたぶん1時間40分ぐらいでした。ケンカしている3人の子供とせまいくらい通路で絶対に待ちたくないです。しかし、STAR TOURSでだいぶ気分が悪くなったので大満足です。あの遊園地は子供に何をあだえているのかと言うと、忍耐ですよ。我慢と忍耐です。ミッキーは可愛いというもの一緒に写真はとれないぐらい忙しい。だから、僕は思うのはそこで働いている人たちはみんなミッキーになったほうがみんな気軽に写真が撮れちゃうのです?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Man it was good times!

I ended up having a full course yesterday, starting in the morning 10:30 in NHK. I had to do some voice over parts for the program I am doing called Samurai Spirit, then after that was all over I made my way out to Ginza where a friend of mine was have a Bonenkai, Chrismast Lunch as we call them in Denmark. That went on until 14:30, then we went to a Karaoke place, I couldn't keep up with everyone there and ended up sleeping in a chair. Then my friend took a taxi and we drove over to check out this festival in honor of a couple of the Islands down south. He was born on a Island called Yoron, and it is like a slice of heaven. Then I suddenly got busy making my way out to Red Motor, and Nakamura-san got out of his way to make it a real nice party. His wife runs a small restaurant, and the food was awesome. We all got exited went the guys from G.P.Company came over and took measures of just about everything on my whole body! They are going to sponsor me with a full body suit for my raceteam.

昨日は結局朝から夜中までフルコースでした、朝10:30にNHKの僕はやっているサムライ・スピリットっていう番組のナレーションをしてから12:00銀座で一発目の忘年会が始まった。その二次会は15:00~カラオケ大会でみんな大変盛り上がりました。僕はそこで一休みをしました、何とめずらしく座ったままで寝てしまったよ。。。疲れはたまっています。そのあとは奄美大島の感謝祭に顔を出しまして、何と30分コンサートを見ました。急にそこから中村さん(RED MOTOR)のドラッグレースの忘年会に急いで行きました。中村さんの奥さんがやっているお店でみんな集まりました、やっぱりバイクの仲間は熱いです。話はすぐに盛り上がりました、来年のシーズンは本当に楽しみです。しかし、湯口さん(ProStock全日本ランク3)が紹介してくれたG.P.Companyのみなさんが来た時本当に楽しくなった、僕の全身タイツを作ってくれるって!あ~ごめん、タイツじゃなくって、全身バイクレース用の革スーツを作るために全体的に体ははがりました。僕はかなり興奮をしました、お酒も美味しく飲めました。皆さんと来年はばっちりに走りたいと思っています。しかし、バイクをこれから考えないといけないです。。。僕のバイクに協力したい方がいれば。。。企画書送りましょうか?何ちゃって!

Friday, December 19, 2008

RED MOTOR Bonenkai !

Today I am hooking up with Japanese Drag Racer Champion, Nakamura-san owner of Red Motors. We are going to have a thank you party for the season, and then look ahead to next years season, where we have big plans. It will be my first time to actually go to his shop and I am exited about checking out all the pro gear they have...
今日はRED MOTORSの中村さんの忘年会に行きます、今年のシーズンの反省会と来年に向けての話になると思います。僕は来年に向けてかなり興奮していますが、うわさで中村さんはアメリカに挑戦しに行くようなことをちらっと聞いたので是非その話は聞きたいです。

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Shop Party in Harajuku !

D.C. Shoes opened up a new shop with Quiksilver in Harajuku last night, and I had a few friends that asked me to come along. It was an awesome party and the shop looks just fantastic. Check out the Ice man made surfer!

昨日原宿でD.C. ShoesとQuiksliverは新しいショップをオープンしました、知り合いが関係しているので僕も行かせてもらいました。すごいい店でした、ロケーションはバツぐーですし、外にあった氷でできたサーファーはかこよかったですよ。

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pictures at the Factory

We had a photo shoot at the Factory the other day, about to start a kids Karate class called Enishi Karate-Do. And for that we needed some photo's for the pamphlet, so we got the heads together and this is what it looked like when Mr. Mineo came over and set up the shoot.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

talking about drinking...

I know that I told you that there has been some serious alcohol consumption going on lately over here, but you don't know what I really like. Well, this is it, The Glenlivet. and that is my own custom made drinking glass! I made it myself, and it feels great to know that you are drinking out of the only glass in the world of its kind. I am totally into doing things custom, my bike, my car, my bicycle and now I did my glass...I don't think it will ever stop. I even have a custom made Karate Dogi ! :)

最近はアルコホールの話をたくさんしているけど、本当はビールよりも僕はこれが好きです、The Glenlivetって言うシングルモルトWhiskeyです、これはロックでゆっくり飲むのは好きです。それは高いウイスキーたくさんあるけど僕はこれが一番好きです。氷は少しとけてくると味はすごくまろやかに変わる瞬間は好きです。ちなみにこれは僕のカスタムグラスです、自分で作って何と世界に一つしかないマイグラスでマイウイスキーを飲むのは気持ちいいですよ、カスタムは一通り全部やっている。バイク、車、自転車、グラス、髪の毛?それと空手の道義もそうです!

I wasn't able to log on all day !!! Didn't know what to do and then I ended up calling my webmaster, and all he said was try and shut down the system reboot and you should be fine. So here I am back again to greet you all during these cold times in the winter, yep it finally got cold in Tokyo and I am not enjoying getting up in the mornings or riding my bike...Here are a couple of shots we took at GOLD'S GYM last week for a promotional thing in the on board flight magazines in JAL. Kind of cool to get some free promotion, hope somebody decides to show up for a free class...and then joins up ? Hey what about you? why not swing by GOLD'S GYM Harajuku on Wednesday's or Saturdays?


Sunday, December 14, 2008


I know that I just told you about the Bonen-Kai in Japan, well I just got back from one and this is what it looks like when I go out!!! Massive amounts of beer and food! This Glass the owner of the restaurant had arranged specially for me...I still can't figure out if I am happy about it or not? It was a good party for my friends shop, S'Factory maker of silver accessories and other cool stuff, check it out at


Saturday, December 13, 2008

End of the year party's

Man, I can't believe it, it happens every year, in Japan there is a tradition of holding end of the year parties. In Denmark we call them Jule Frokost, which you could translate into a Christmas Lunch, but that is just an excuse to start drinking in the afternoon and then keep it going until the wee wee hours. In Japan a Bonenkai is actually to celebrate the death of the year, mostly everybody gets to get drunk and say what ever has not been said all year. And then everyone is able to start on a new year with no hard feelings left over. This again is supposed to be celebrated in what they call Shin-nenkai...Happy New Year parties and then held all over again during January, so don't try to tell me that the Japanese don't know how to party! I have since Thursday been partying hard, and it is far from over yet, but since I fought on the Dynamite shows the last 2 years I could not take part of the festivities. This year I am not fighting on Dynamite, so I am free to free roam...and it is taking it's toll on me. Yesterday we had our own party in my house! Keito my 9 years old daughter wanted to have a disco party so I bought a mirrow ball and we all helped in to arrange the whole house as a club. We even had a counter bar with drink ticket system, there was all the candy, pizza and cake that the kids could eat. It was full on in my house yesterday, and now we have to clean it all up...

いやいや、忘年会シーズンは思い切り始まった、自分は去年とその前の年もDynamiteに出てたため忘年会は久しぶりですが、今年は試合がないので。。。どこでも顔出します!おかげ様ずーっとお酒を飲んでいます!体は太るし、年を明ければ思いきりダイエットしないといけないです。反省をしながら太っていく自分は楽しいです。。。上の文書では日本の忘年会とデンマークのJule Frokostの違いを説明しました。Jule Frokostは直訳するとクリスマスランチですが、それはただ昼からお酒が飲めるいい訳です!昼から始まって大体次の日まで続いて、またそこでブランチをし始まる。本当に寒い国の飲み方はひどいです。昨日はうちの中でも思い切りPartyタイムをしました、恵友ちゃん(長女)は誕生日会にDiscoPartyにしたいと言い出したもんで、僕は企画書まで作り上げて、ミラーボールやDiscoライト、ブラックライト他にもたくさん用意をしてテレビでヒップホップのDVDを流しながらフィーバータイムでした!かなり盛り上がりました。Pizzaも食べるし、お菓子は食べ放題でみんなは楽しそうでした。しかし、いまから家をもう一回きれいにしないといけないので大変です。。。

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is this winter in Japan ?

We are in December and almost half way through, and it is nice and warm. I was thinking that it is really nice to ride my bike here to the gym this morning, but this might not be a good thing after all. What if this is just another effect of the global warming that Al Gore was talking about. If so then it is really hitting Japan hard, I think we should all try and make at least some kind of effort to change the out put of Co2. Although it is awesome bike riding weather it is not the best thing for the world right now...

さ~今日はバイクでここまで走って最高に気持ちよかったですが。。。どうなの?これはもしかしてあのグローバルウオーミングっていう話なのかな~?それであれば本当に最悪です、やっぱりAl Goreはあの衝撃的な実話映画で説明してくれた地球温暖化のはん氏ではないかと思うとバイクに乗っている自分は不満を感じました。。。しかし、今日は本当にいいです、エンジンも調子いいですし。

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh, I almost forgot...

It was the finals of the K-1 GP last weekend...And there were a lot of good fights. I was out of Tokyo at the time and only got to watch it on TV, but I had a good time watching it. I guess Badr Hari must be feeling pretty bad these days, he always was a bad boy and even now that he is on top of the world that wont change. Wonder how next years fights will turn out. Koichi is fighting for the heavy weight title on the M-1 show in Yoyogi January 18th. He has been getting ready for that one now that his eye is fully recovered. I have been busy working lately, it is good to have something to do, but it can also be hard to keep everything on time. I have been coordinating quite a few things lately and time seems to be at a minimum. But once I get this thing up and running it will all be about getting the pace down and then just let the ball rolling.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Server was out there for a while...

This is me trying to get a hold of the web dudes that had my site down!!!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kagoshima-1 or is it K-1

I got up at 4:30 this morning, still here in Kagoshima I had to get up in time to catch the Yellow Tail Fish that I have been doing a report on. It was cold and dark and wet, but it is all part of the job so I just take it all in full swing. It has been a very nice trip down here and last night we had a feast, Yellow Tail is only bred here in the whole world and talking from experience I can tell you that they are worth all the work of getting them up on that dinner table. The fish we pulled out of the ocean today will be eaten at tables in New York or Moscow less than 48 hours from now. It takes about 18 months in the big cages in the ocean where they are all bred from 4~5cm to 70cm and between 7~8kg. And that is all over in one meal, but what a meal that is. I had a great time, being on location always gives me a feeling of both making new friends and learning something new. The next program we are shooting is about Shiitake, Japanese mushrooms. Oh, this is Black Vinegar sitting there sunbathing for about 3 years...

今日朝の4:30に起きて、港のほうに向かいました。昨日はぶりに餌をあげましたけど今日はアメリカやロシアに送るブリをすくい上げる作業を撮影しました。朝5時は暗い、寒いそして海はウエットです。皆さんは朝から元気がよくって、この18か月間にじっくり育ったブリを100匹をとって港のほうまでもったきました、そこからトラック移動で空港に運んでいきますが。僕は港でブリとの別れになりました。今回は本当にいいロケと感じました、最高においしいブリを食べさせてもらって。皆さんと仲良くができて本当によかったと思いました。僕はロケ番組が好きな理由は新しい出会いがありながら、新しいものを覚えるチャンスでもあります。今朝送ったブリは何と48時間以内でだれかNew Yorkの寿司屋で食べるのを考えると本当にすごいことです。次回はシイタケのロケが待っています。鹿児島名物の黒酢の畑です。。。なんか面白いよね、そこで3年も寝かすそうです。

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Landed last night, although I must say we almost didn't make it. On the way down to the run way, the pilot suddenly pulled up and turned to the side hard! I knew something had gone wrong, but sitting there in the back of the plane with nothing to do just made it all the worse! Just for a split second I thought to myself, "Is the end?? Is the way it all ends...?" And then I started asking myself if there was something I was supposed to feel or someone I was supposed to think of, but all that came to my mind was, this can't be the end. There is so much more out there I need to do, like for example I am on m way out to the ocean now, we are going to go out and check the Yellowtails in the fish farm! And I hate boats, if you don't remember then check out my entry on coming back from Miyakeshima in October...I shall not go into details here!


aspota Question






Delicious Nippon !

I am on my way to Kagoshima, the last city before you hit the ocean to Okinawa. I am shooting on a program for NHK called, Delicious Nippon(Nippon = Japan). And we are going to Kagoshimas to check out some fish farms, breeding yellowtail's. I am once again on the road, but at least I have my computer with me and my link to the rest of the world. So I am not feeling lonely at all...not yet anyway!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Photo shoot with Angelina

This was one of the shots we had taken for a kids magazine recently, this is Angelina my youngest daughter.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kandatsu Pine Ski Resort

Just went for a drive out to a Ski Resort called Pine Resort, my car proved to be an excellent ride up in the mountains. It was cold and there was some snow, but not enough to ride. I was up there to check out the resort, because my partner and I have been offered to do some business up there. I hope things work out good, because it might be a good opportunity. When things settle down I can tell you all more about it.


Monday, December 1, 2008

More shots from Bike show !

Here are a couple of more shots from the bike show, I was a bit busy helping out my friends and net working to actually go and see the race, but I did get a chance to hook up with the kids from the dirt bike team, these guys are insane on the ramp, doing back flips and all kinds of crazy things...Then a friend of mine had a Kebab shop at the event, and I helped him get this 120kg stick of meat out there, it was soo yummy. Oh, you might think, what are those storm troopers doing there? well, I still haven't figured it out either...

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