Man, I can't believe it, it happens every year, in Japan there is a tradition of holding end of the year parties. In Denmark we call them Jule Frokost, which you could translate into a Christmas Lunch, but that is just an excuse to start drinking in the afternoon and then keep it going until the wee wee hours. In Japan a Bonenkai is actually to celebrate the death of the year, mostly everybody gets to get drunk and say what ever has not been said all year. And then everyone is able to start on a new year with no hard feelings left over. This again is supposed to be celebrated in what they call Shin-nenkai...Happy New Year parties and then held all over again during January, so don't try to tell me that the Japanese don't know how to party! I have since Thursday been partying hard, and it is far from over yet, but since I fought on the Dynamite shows the last 2 years I could not take part of the festivities. This year I am not fighting on Dynamite, so I am free to free roam...and it is taking it's toll on me. Yesterday we had our own party in my house! Keito my 9 years old daughter wanted to have a disco party so I bought a mirrow ball and we all helped in to arrange the whole house as a club. We even had a counter bar with drink ticket system, there was all the candy, pizza and cake that the kids could eat. It was full on in my house yesterday, and now we have to clean it all up...
いやいや、忘年会シーズンは思い切り始まった、自分は去年とその前の年もDynamiteに出てたため忘年会は久しぶりですが、今年は試合がないので。。。どこでも顔出します!おかげ様ずーっとお酒を飲んでいます!体は太るし、年を明ければ思いきりダイエットしないといけないです。反省をしながら太っていく自分は楽しいです。。。上の文書では日本の忘年会とデンマークのJule Frokostの違いを説明しました。Jule Frokostは直訳するとクリスマスランチですが、それはただ昼からお酒が飲めるいい訳です!昼から始まって大体次の日まで続いて、またそこでブランチをし始まる。本当に寒い国の飲み方はひどいです。昨日はうちの中でも思い切りPartyタイムをしました、恵友ちゃん(長女)は誕生日会にDiscoPartyにしたいと言い出したもんで、僕は企画書まで作り上げて、ミラーボールやDiscoライト、ブラックライト他にもたくさん用意をしてテレビでヒップホップのDVDを流しながらフィーバータイムでした!かなり盛り上がりました。Pizzaも食べるし、お菓子は食べ放題でみんなは楽しそうでした。しかし、いまから家をもう一回きれいにしないといけないので大変です。。。