Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What a dream !

I had the weirdest dream last night, I actually dreamt that I met George Lucas and we spoke about making another STAR WARS movie...But I needed to loose some weight if I wanted to play the grandson of Anakin Skywalker...It was awesome, I am so for loosing some weight today, I have been on a diet these last two weeks because I just let it go and it has been feeling bad to be this heavy. I knew something was wrong when I hit the 111kg mark! Yep, it is that easy for me to gain weight, and once over 110 I really feel it. But today and yesterday my weight has been stable at 106.6kg so that is a good thing. I am about to hit the gym and just go for it on that elliptical running machine!

昨日は夢の中でジョージ ルーカス監督に会った!それでスターウオーズの新作に出演してもらいたいけど。。。このままだと駄目って言われたよ。体をしぼってくれたら使ってあげるという話になって、今からジムに行って本当にやせる気満々!最近は11キロまで体重はあがてしまったから、さすがに気分悪いいです。でもこの二週間で頑張って何と今朝の体重は106.6キロです、それは5キロダウンです。でも本当になりたい体重は90キロ!そんなの出来るもんかな~、分からないけど少なくっても今日はやせる気満々で今からジムに行きます!

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