Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro!
Is a very famous cartoon/comic caracter and his creator was from the small fisher town I was in yesterday, it is located in a part of Japan called Tottori-Ken. Way down south from Tokyo, and the city is Sakai-Minato. The small area around the Harbor flourishes on the incoming fishermen, and ofcourse the legend of Kitaro.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Delicious Nippon !
Last night I was invited to a food tasting competition! It was about choosing the tastiest foods to sell over seas. And they have recently opened up a channel on Youtube to show you the programs that I was helped out on last year. So please check it out!
海外向けの番組はやっと日本で見れるようになりました! よかったら見てて下さい、全部英語なんですけど僕はレポートをしたものはシイタケ、お茶、ブリと和牛です。よろしくお願いします!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Samurai Spirit !
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I just wrote on my Japanese blog yesterday that I feared that Bob Sapp might loose to a heel hold from Minowaman...
And lost he did! Darn, if he had just spent his time preparing better then it could have turned out for the better...

Monday, May 25, 2009
James Blunt Parody - She Was Beautiful...I Swear (by Kevin Sage)
Check out this video on YouTube:
Life goes on
I guess that we are all still kind of shocked over the loss of a fellow rider, but life does go on and we must keep moving forward. Today Bob Sapp is fighting in the Hulk Tournament in Yokohama, and I hooked up with him last night for an interview and a nice shared dinner. Hope he gets the better of his skilled opponent Minowa-Man, and then moves on to bigger things once again. The American TV show that we worked on in January might actually get up on its own feet and take off, then we are going to have our hands full of going all over the world fighting and working! That would be awesome!
この前は残念にライダーのいのちが奪われたけど、英語ではLife goes onっていう言い方があって、人生は続くのでそのロスから私たち生き残ったメンバーは頑張らなきゃいけないです。昨日はボブとご飯を食べながら軽く取材をしました。実はマッドマクス!を書いている格闘技のコロムは僕の知り合いですが、以前僕も出ましたのか覚えていますか?とにかく、昨日は試合の前の日なのにすごく親切な話をたくさんいただきました。話してて、日本語に訳しながら僕は今まで知らなかったボブの話はたくさん聞けました。この取材は是非注目してほしいです。今日はミノワマンとの試合です、ボブ頑張ってヒールホールドとられないように。。。
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The accident that stopped the race yesterday actually turned out to be fatal! It is surreal that someone should die right there, everyone was really taking care to ride their bikes to the best abilities and she being an experienced rider. I just don't know what to say. My prayers go out to her family and friends, may she find peace wherever she is.
11.3 sec.
11.3秒は大したことないですけど。。。前回の13.9秒よりだいぶ早くなりました。今回のトップスピードは206kmでした!それまでは良かったですが、あるアクシデントでレースは中止になりました。それからClub S.P.Worksの皆さんと一緒に東京に帰りました。かなりなスムースなライディングを見せてくれました。
Saturday, May 23, 2009
KHB live tv show
Getting ready for the race I went to KHB tv station to do some
promotion for the race! We all had a great time and it ended up being
a great promotion for the race, today we are all going to have a great
time running on the track !
promotion for the race! We all had a great time and it ended up being
a great promotion for the race, today we are all going to have a great
time running on the track !
Friday, May 22, 2009
Out of gas !
I made my way up here last night, it is a 360km ride north of Tokyo.
On my way up here I ended up following or chasing a car, and before I
knew it I had run out of gas!!!! No there are only gas stations
every 50km on the highway, but I happened to run out about 500 meters
before the next one. So it was not too hard to push it over and fill
it up, thank god for that. I guess that I was just hbimg too much fun
to look at the meter, at least now I know the range of the bike! Today
I am doing some promotional work for the race at the local tv station
in Sendai.
On my way up here I ended up following or chasing a car, and before I
knew it I had run out of gas!!!! No there are only gas stations
every 50km on the highway, but I happened to run out about 500 meters
before the next one. So it was not too hard to push it over and fill
it up, thank god for that. I guess that I was just hbimg too much fun
to look at the meter, at least now I know the range of the bike! Today
I am doing some promotional work for the race at the local tv station
in Sendai.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Busa meter and clock
I was just riding along the road when I happened to look down upon me
meters and realized that they where showing the same numbers! And then
while I was looking at them they changed at exactly the same time...
meters and realized that they where showing the same numbers! And then
while I was looking at them they changed at exactly the same time...
That was kind of cool !
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sendai Race Time !
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Weird how coming back to Tokyo feels like coming back home...I guess that after 18 years living here it feels like home. It kind of makes sense here, all the chaos and loose ends that some one is always trying to tie up. All the noise and pollution and then right in the middle of it all my small life, as little beacon on the endless skies of clouds and stars. I like it here, more so because Japan has been very good to me and I have been good to Japan. Coming back from Okinawa is kind of like coming back from a whole new country all together, but I guess I spoke about the other day, so I am not going to get into that here again. This afternoon I am making my way down to Nagoya, which is a city a lot smaller than Tokyo, the streets are bigger and the whole structure of the city is much more simple laid out. It is another place in Japan I have some very fond memories of, I fought against Jerome LeBanner there! And also had my K-1 debut there, but that was a very long time ago.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Okinawa returns!
I have come to like this place very much, and have been fortunate enough to have come back here now 5 times. Every time I come down here, it makes me wonder what I am doing up in Tokyo. This place has such a different vibe to it that it seems to be Japan but not Japan at the same time. On the 15th. it was the 37th. anniversary for Okinawa to become Japanese soil, yes until that time you actually needed a passport to travel here. I met a lot of great people and have had a great time here, but now I need to make my way back. Before I go back and am hoping to swing by and see my friend on Kadena airbase.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Okinawa Snorkeling
It might just be the best time of the year right now!
It is not too hot and the ocean is just perfect, I had some free time
yesterday and had an opportunity to snorkle around a bit, that bit
ended up being two hours! It was real nice to feed the fish by hand...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This place is awesome, I flew down yesterday and I can tell you that
this is probably the best time of the year to be here. Today I am
doing another radio program and then after that it is more or less
free time, I think that we are going to the beach to have a swim or
so. This is the view from my hotel room!!!!!
this is probably the best time of the year to be here. Today I am
doing another radio program and then after that it is more or less
free time, I think that we are going to the beach to have a swim or
so. This is the view from my hotel room!!!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Samurai Underwear
It is basically a very Japanese brand, the company called Rogin came
up with a very different material to use for their line of underwear.
They are all called the Samurai pants, in japan underwear is called
pants. Anyway, sitting here on the airplane on my way to Okinawa I
thought that I might spend some time writing an entry for my blog.
Well, the first time we met we all got real excited and the talk soon
flowed, we all had some input on how a pair of blue eyed samurai pants
should look and feel like. Last time we met it was officially decided
that we are to actually produce a pair of underwear in my name! I
thought that was just awesome, it has long been a dream of mine to
start up a clothes line with the image I have. Eventually I want to
produce a comic book about my caracter, and from there I see lots of
good things happenening. The first is ofcourse the blue eyed samurai
cap that you can buy online through my Japanese blog on ameba. Now we
are going to produce a pair of underwear and the next thing in the
works is a book. Oh, yes I have my hands full at the momet, but this
is even beginning to scrape the top of the iceberg!
up with a very different material to use for their line of underwear.
They are all called the Samurai pants, in japan underwear is called
pants. Anyway, sitting here on the airplane on my way to Okinawa I
thought that I might spend some time writing an entry for my blog.
Well, the first time we met we all got real excited and the talk soon
flowed, we all had some input on how a pair of blue eyed samurai pants
should look and feel like. Last time we met it was officially decided
that we are to actually produce a pair of underwear in my name! I
thought that was just awesome, it has long been a dream of mine to
start up a clothes line with the image I have. Eventually I want to
produce a comic book about my caracter, and from there I see lots of
good things happenening. The first is ofcourse the blue eyed samurai
cap that you can buy online through my Japanese blog on ameba. Now we
are going to produce a pair of underwear and the next thing in the
works is a book. Oh, yes I have my hands full at the momet, but this
is even beginning to scrape the top of the iceberg!
It has nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about today but why not? I realized that the last blog entry I wrote was number 666??? I think that means something? not quite sure why, but it is kind of a spooky number...
Anyway, I am flying down to Okinawa today and will be spending the next 4 days down there soaking it up in the sun, hopefully working on my tan! Oh, I almost forgot, I actually have to work down there too...
Anyway, I am flying down to Okinawa today and will be spending the next 4 days down there soaking it up in the sun, hopefully working on my tan! Oh, I almost forgot, I actually have to work down there too...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wanted 2
I just realized that I wrote "Wanted" in the title on my entry yesterday, well? That was because I wanted to tell you all about the movie "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie. I watched it the other day and it was a lot of fun! It was nothing like I had expected, well, I guess I hadn't expected anything and was just happily surprised. It had a lot of comic book features and I thought it stayed true to the spirit of what a good comic book story should be. Hope to see the next one, apart from that I can't wait to see the "WATCHMEN", read the graphic novel and loved it, would like to check it out on screen!
昨日のブログのタイトルにWantedっていう言葉を入れたんですけど、バイクの話ばかりして、本当に書きたかった話しはどこかで忘れてた。。。この映画の話をしたかったです。Angelina Jolieの最近の映画です、昔からある秘密の団体/集団がなんとアサシンたちの面白い話です。やはり、アンジェリーナ様が出ているだけで映画の全体的な雰囲気は引き締まる。かなりこれは面白かったです、本当になにも知らなかったままで純粋にここ映画を見ることができたのでよかったです!今週のお勧め映画です。
Monday, May 11, 2009
I spent most of yesterday riding some kind of bike! It started in the morning with me wanting to pick up Koichi and then ride out to S.P.Works, but then on the way the scooter broke down! We pushed it and tried to jump start it but to no avail. Then I picked up my car and we finally made it back to my house. Got on the Harley and dropped off Koichi in Shibuya, then I had a couple of meetings in different parts of Tokyo and that meant driving all over the place again. I finally made my way out to Sherif's place and then we spent some time on changing the brake lever and clutch lever. I had bought some that look just awesome, but then on my way down to meet some friends and so at a networking party, I knew that there was something wrong with the bike? drove back to Sherif and we found out that one of the pipes were not firing! Changed the plugs and it osunded it awesome! it was getting late so I took off, but about 3 clicks down the road I knew there was something wrong, decided to take the bike back and fair enough! There was black smoke coming out the pipes...not a good thing a week before the race ! So I ended up on my Harley once again, and finally made my way back to my own part of town! What a long day!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mothers day in Kichijoji
Is a place in the outskirts of Tokyo where there is a big park and the surrounding area is full of small streets where shopping is in abundance. We went there on Mothers Day to go for a walk in the park and just chill, but ended up riding the swan boats and checking out other cool things. It was a nice day but when we finally decided to out for Sushi there was no place to be found and we eventually ended up in the local was easy and fast! Then just before I was ready to go to bed, this little fellow was crawling around on the ceiling !
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Disneyland !
We spent most of the day in Disneyland yesterday, and although I had expected it to be packed...? It was actually not too bad, we kind of made our way around on different rides without having to wait too much. We even got to see the parades! The one in the afternoon was not too fancy, but the light parade was really cool and then! We made our way around some of the bigger rides like Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain! I think it must have been more than 10 years since I went on any of those rides, so it was like doing it all for the very first time again. Mom was actually having a good time and that was more important than anything else! 
Friday, May 8, 2009
Riders Suit
It finally came ! And I can't wait to get out on the road in that
thing, of was a perfect fit and everything is just the way I had hoped
thing, of was a perfect fit and everything is just the way I had hoped
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Riders Suit !

My riders suit is ready for pick! I have been waiting for this thing for several months now and tomorrow I will be going over and trying it on for the very first time !
Thanks to G.P.Company !
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
unbreakable spirit !
What a fight it was last night! seriously thought we had him there after he dropped him in the second round! But then in the 3rd. round he got a big knee in the eye, and got pounded hard. He lasted until the end of the fight, but he had simply lost too many points on getting dropped a couple of times. The kid was good but not too good, he should be able to beat him, if he just kept his head straight enough, he could have done it. Damn shame ! And then after we all went out for a couple of drinks, and I got my shoes stolen ! I had to burrow Koichi's shoes just to get home...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Title fight tonight !
It is the big fight night tonight and I can't wait to get it on !
Man I really hope that Koichi gets that belt tonight, he has trained real hard for it and I know he can do it. He is feeling strong and all the training we put together has gotten him ready for it, so now it is just getting in that ring and getting the job done, no matter what the other guy does.
I seriously love these days and hours before the fight, it all or nothing. You are feeling so alive and all the hard work you have done to get to this day has put you on the very edge of living. You live this day 100 times more than any other day of your life, win and get the glory or loose and feel the weight of the world crash down upon your shoulders.
今夜です!コウイチ君はベルトをとるかとらないか!本当に楽しみです。僕は試合当日は大好きです、練習のかさね、心の準備、周りの空気、自分の空気、今日一日は人生の中でもっとも生きる一日です。朝から起きてエネルギーはあふれそうで、おさえなきゃいけない一日です、そして、夜。。。すべては手に入れるかすべたは失う。英語では"Get the Glory" っていう言葉があるんですけど、名を手に入れろ!っていうことですが、コウイチ!頑張るんだよ、みんな応援しているよ!
Man I really hope that Koichi gets that belt tonight, he has trained real hard for it and I know he can do it. He is feeling strong and all the training we put together has gotten him ready for it, so now it is just getting in that ring and getting the job done, no matter what the other guy does.
I seriously love these days and hours before the fight, it all or nothing. You are feeling so alive and all the hard work you have done to get to this day has put you on the very edge of living. You live this day 100 times more than any other day of your life, win and get the glory or loose and feel the weight of the world crash down upon your shoulders.
今夜です!コウイチ君はベルトをとるかとらないか!本当に楽しみです。僕は試合当日は大好きです、練習のかさね、心の準備、周りの空気、自分の空気、今日一日は人生の中でもっとも生きる一日です。朝から起きてエネルギーはあふれそうで、おさえなきゃいけない一日です、そして、夜。。。すべては手に入れるかすべたは失う。英語では"Get the Glory" っていう言葉があるんですけど、名を手に入れろ!っていうことですが、コウイチ!頑張るんだよ、みんな応援しているよ!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Talk show event
Today I am doing another event for the Blue Eyed Samurai cap, that we
started to sell last week.
started to sell last week.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Samurai Week
We have got a big week ahead of us, last training for Koichi is today and I can tell you that he is on fire. Getting ready for a big fight is always hard work, but this time he has been through hell and come back out on the other side. Now all he has to do is get the job done on Wednesday night and bring that belt back home. Tomorrow morning I am getting up early and making my way out to Sunamachi shopping mall to promote my new Blue Eyed Samurai hat. Then it is fight night and hopefully we can spend the rest of the week celebrating !
今週はすごい週になる、今日はコウイチの試合前の最後の稽古があります。今回はタイトルが撮りたいので本当にハードな練習をたくさんやりました、可愛いそうぐらいやらしました!でも、格闘技では厳しさの中に優しさがあるとのことです、だからコウイチは試合で勝てるように厳しくやりました。それから、明日は砂街のモールに行きます。青い目のサムライの帽子のプロモーションをしにいきます、近かったら遊びに来てください。よろしくお願いします! 水曜日は試合です、本当に楽しみです、そしてベールとを持って帰れば土曜日までパーティーです!
今週はすごい週になる、今日はコウイチの試合前の最後の稽古があります。今回はタイトルが撮りたいので本当にハードな練習をたくさんやりました、可愛いそうぐらいやらしました!でも、格闘技では厳しさの中に優しさがあるとのことです、だからコウイチは試合で勝てるように厳しくやりました。それから、明日は砂街のモールに行きます。青い目のサムライの帽子のプロモーションをしにいきます、近かったら遊びに来てください。よろしくお願いします! 水曜日は試合です、本当に楽しみです、そしてベールとを持って帰れば土曜日までパーティーです!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mother arrives !
So I just made my way out to Narita Airport! Yep, my Mon came over, just two days after my Dad left! Sounds kind of fishy? well, they split up when I was about 16 so there you have it the cat is out of the hat. Anyway, she is here for about 2 weeks and I am sure that we are able to get a whole bunch of things done during that time. She has actually already given a great business idea for some products to bring over from over Denmark, so I am getting real excited about the whole thing. I just need to sit down and write everything out on my computer and then take it from there. Hope things work out, because it would potentially mean that I would be able to do a bit more travelling back and forth between Denmark and Japan.
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