I spent most of yesterday riding some kind of bike! It started in the morning with me wanting to pick up Koichi and then ride out to S.P.Works, but then on the way the scooter broke down! We pushed it and tried to jump start it but to no avail. Then I picked up my car and we finally made it back to my house. Got on the Harley and dropped off Koichi in Shibuya, then I had a couple of meetings in different parts of Tokyo and that meant driving all over the place again. I finally made my way out to Sherif's place and then we spent some time on changing the brake lever and clutch lever. I had bought some that look just awesome, but then on my way down to meet some friends and so at a networking party, I knew that there was something wrong with the bike? drove back to Sherif and we found out that one of the pipes were not firing! Changed the plugs and it osunded it awesome! it was getting late so I took off, but about 3 clicks down the road I knew there was something wrong, decided to take the bike back and fair enough! There was black smoke coming out the pipes...not a good thing a week before the race ! So I ended up on my Harley once again, and finally made my way back to my own part of town! What a long day!