Back in Japan and it looks like that the rainy season is not over yet? I just rolled out of bed, but that is after having slept for about 13 hours...I didn't know that I was able to sleep that long, but it sure felt good getting back in my own bed. It is raining slightly this morning but nothing to keep me off my bike, life starts back up today and that can feel both good and well let's just say that is what life is all about. This is a picture of my friend Simen from Norway, I have spoken about this homeboy before, he is the dude that has taken all the cool shots of me on my homepage, well I asked if he was interested in coming down to Copenhagen and hanging out. And as you can see here he was, good guy with the heart in the right place.
日本に帰ってきたよ!しかも、帰ってきたら雨です。確かに僕はデンマークにいる間は最高にいい天気だったけど、今週から雨とのことで僕は帰るタイミングはよかったと勝手に思ってけど?日本も雨じゃないですか? それはそれで、昨日アマ大会に顔を出してから家に帰って昼寝、それから夜のごはんを食べてから22時前にはもうベッドに入って今まで寝てました!人間でどこまで寝れるのかな~?僕はこんなに寝たのは初めてかも?それでもまだ眠いよ。。。この男は僕の友達です、Simen Kjellinっていう男ですが、以前にも紹介したことがあるのですが、彼は僕のホームページの写真を全部とったカメラマンです。今回はわざわざNorwayから会いに来てくれたよ。本当にいい男です。何だか?この人も絵になる。。。