Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was even made out with this outfit on!!! I have no idea how anyone
could figure out that was me but it was fun none the less. If we have
to into details then that is a Darth Vader mask with Luke Skywalker
lightsaber and Marvel comics t-shirt...? It was the best I could do
given the time I had!


Tokyo Motor Show !

Check out the Disney Waqon Bus and the Mach 5 from Speed Racer ! The rest of the show was really boring but this was awesome...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Check this parking out!

I mean this is a tiny car in a huge parking place! And the funniest
thing about this is that it was a friend of mine that parked this


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mykonos Street !

Check it out! They named a street Mykonos!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Yoron ! 与論島!

I spent some time on Yoron Island recently! It has been an official Sister Island to Mykonos for the last 29 years. It is amazing to find an Island in Japan that is an official sister Island to the place I am from! I am from Mykonos in Greece but grew up in Denmark since my Mother is Danish, I spent the first couple of years of my life on Mykonos, and then grew up in Denmark. But moved to Japan when I was 18 and heve basically been here since. This is a small video of my first visit to the Sister Island Yoron, 30 min out from Okinawa on a propely airplane.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This is the coolest fishtank I have ever seen ! Right outside the
window of the restaurant there is natural sea water haven filled with
beautiful fish from the ocean!


This is Yoron !

Sister Island to my old hometown Mykonos. It is a shame that it is
raining today but if it was not this place is a haven for divers! With
some of the best spots in Japan. I am only here for one day but it has
been worth it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

S. P. Works

My bike finally came back from the shop! And man does it look great,
they had to redo the whole rear break because the welding had come off
and the whole caliber had flow off!!! Luckily no one was hurt when it
happened, but it still needed to get redone properly. And after taking
it out on the freeway today I feel very confident about it. I also
took the time to get some of the scratches done and got a whole new
paintjob on the bike done. Thanks to Teruya from Vanquish custom
painting. It looks great and runs great, now it is ready to take up
for the last race of the season this Sunday.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Front cover of Yawara Therapy

I made the cover of a magazine in Japan!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

These are real

These are real drawings from Miyasaki Hayao the master of Japanese
animations. He has drawn and written some of the best ever made
Japanese animations and is loved and cherished in japan as a maker of
history. His animations have been part of the Japanese culture for
more than 20 years now. And the songs and stories like Tottoro have
inspired us all. A couple of years ago he signed a partnership deal
with Disney entertainment and now all his movies have been translated
into English and are probably distributed world wide. I love
everything he has done and the kids never tire of watching them.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fasting Detox Diet!

I definitely felt the power and energy of cleansing my body, it was the first time for me to actually try and keep a detox diet. I have tried a few times in the past, but never really been motivated. The idea of not being able to chew anything for days on was just never appealing enough. I bought some kind of 48hours wonder detox once in Hawaii, but after a half day I just had to chew on something. This time I went totally militant and just said no to everything but water and the special juice. And since yesterday I have been feeling really good. Kind of clean on the inside, and now 4 days later I don't want to stop...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I did it !

Since Tuesday morning I have been on what they call a fasting detox
diet! And I actually made it it all the way through. I know that I had
gained way too much since coming out of the hospital! But since I
haven't been able to work out properly I steadyli gained and gained.
Until I was up around 115 kg ! So I decided to take control and try a
fasting diet to at least kick start my weight loss. And it worked so
far, I went from 114.8kg to as you can see 109.3kg that is a loss of
5.5kg's. I know it is mostly water loss but it still feels good, and
as long as I keep working out and running I should be able to keep
most of it off!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Awesome training

When the whole team gets together it is like magic! Everyone trains
hard and to their fullest potential, because the atmosphere in the gym
does not allow anyone to slack off. I love being back there holding
the pads for the guys, although I still can't train myself at least I
am getting right into it all.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I was at my friends bike shop yesterday, since we need to get some
things ready for the final race. Sendai 25 th. Is the last race of the
season and not just my bike, but everyones bikes are undergoing some
kind of modification. Sherifs bike is getting an extension on the rear
end and my bike is getting a full haul over with the rear brake and


Monday, October 12, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Japan Body Building Tournament !

It was awesome, we had ring side seats and they introduced me to the audience! The girls and guys competing are all in great shape, I was really impressed and inspired by the whole thing. It made me want to work out hard again, so I am sure I am getting up tomorrow and hitting the gym for some bench presses!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


This is was my first time to see a real Ice Hockey game at the ring! It was really fun, and the team Free Blades ended up winning 4-2 over the China Dragon's. There was some action on the ice too, a couple of times there were some of the players that tried to start a fight. But the referee's were really good at coming in between and either calming things down or sending players to the box, creating a power play. After I was lucky enough to go meet all the players back stage and hear the pep talk. I actually recorded the pep talk for you guys to check it out how it looks in the locker room after a win on the ice.

初めてアイスホッケーの試合を見ました、東北FREE BLADESはプロのチームでアジアンリーグに入ってまして。何とCHINA DRAGONSとの試合は本当のリーグ戦であって相手はみんな中国からわざわざ来ていました。FREE BLADESも今度韓国に行って試合をしてきます。日本ではあっちこっち試合があるので次回は新横浜で見れるのでもう一回見に行きたいな~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yokohama Garage Kan wheels, wheels and wheels !

This is where I get my rims for big truck ! It is an awesome place!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seminar on Fighting strategy in relation to buisness

That was the theme for my seminar yesterday, getting business people to understand and relate the fighting mentality of a fighter, to the daily business and how to draw the connections from real fighting into the real world. It was a great success, as I used both visuals and discussion time and then of course I spent about 4 hours talking about fighting, preparation,mental state and so on. It was interesting to see how everyone came up with a bunch of questions after and during the seminar, I had a great time and I feel very confident that we can bring this out to more people. In December the biggest phone company in Japan has booked us and of course we are hoping to bounce that one of on more companies next year.

昨日は一日の研修をやりました、グロースリング社の仁科さんは午前中の部を戦略について分かりやすい説明とグループワークをやりました。午後の部はニコラスが空手の指導、自己紹介、スライドショーと実際試合映像を見ながら、格闘家のマインドや精神じょうたいについての説明をたくさんしました。自分は本当にいいセミナーにはなったんじゃないかと思いました。最後の振り替えと質問タイムには真剣に悩んでいる方からのフリートークは非常によかったと思いました。次回はNTT DOCOMOの社員に向けてやることが決まっているので、非常に楽しみです。出来たら来年は本格的に全国にこれで回りたいです。

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tyson is too cute in this shoot

Check out Tyson with his new shoes on...He doesn't want to walk, or doesn't know if he can walk!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Hands of a Master


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maruyama wins!

After the radio show yesterday afternoon, I hooked up with the boys out at Differ Ariake. R.I.S.E. was putting on a big show and Maruyama was entering the first round af a tournament strecthed over two events, to wina spot in the elimination tournament in K-Max next fall. And although I must say that this was probably the hardest fight in his carreer, he pulled off a great upper cut in the last 10sec. to drop the opponent and ended up winning on a decision. Next fight up is on the 22nd. November and that will be the final, so I hope he is not too banged up and gets back into the training as soon as possible. Well done, Maru!


Saturday, October 3, 2009


This is my new radio show on 84.7 FM YOKOHAMA !

I was checking it out in my car since that was the only place I could find a radio !


Friday, October 2, 2009

Sports festival !

It is sports festival season in japan, but it is also typhoon season
in Japan! So that means we might get hit by a storm and a sports
festival on the same day! Like this morning it was raining real hard
and they still just kept us all waiting outside in the rain. It kind
of cleared up but now those dark clouds that bring promise of rain are
hanging tight over our heads again.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Retired ! Musashi...

> So last week Musashi fought Jerome Le Banner and the fight went
> until the 3rd. Round where Le Banner dropped Musashi to a standing 8
> count. It resulted in Musashi loosing the fight, and that ended up
> being the last one for Musashi. He had said that he would retired if
> he lost, and sadly enough he lost. It feels like one of my biggest
> rivals just pulled out of the game early, he is a great fighter and
> has alway had the heart of a lion. In the face of danger he ha
> always stared right back and given everything he ever possesed. I
> have nothing but respect for the man, fighter, karate-ka and hero
> that he has become in Japan. I hope he finds as much good fortune in
> the life after fighting as he has while doing it.

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