This is was my first time to see a real Ice Hockey game at the ring! It was really fun, and the team Free Blades ended up winning 4-2 over the China Dragon's. There was some action on the ice too, a couple of times there were some of the players that tried to start a fight. But the referee's were really good at coming in between and either calming things down or sending players to the box, creating a power play. After I was lucky enough to go meet all the players back stage and hear the pep talk. I actually recorded the pep talk for you guys to check it out how it looks in the locker room after a win on the ice.
初めてアイスホッケーの試合を見ました、東北FREE BLADESはプロのチームでアジアンリーグに入ってまして。何とCHINA DRAGONSとの試合は本当のリーグ戦であって相手はみんな中国からわざわざ来ていました。FREE BLADESも今度韓国に行って試合をしてきます。日本ではあっちこっち試合があるので次回は新横浜で見れるのでもう一回見に行きたいな~