Monday, January 30, 2006

おの時のワン エイチィ(180) Remember the 180!

土曜日朝7時8分、僕はまだバイクに乗っている!夜中は寒かったです非常に寒かったです、家を出てバイクのエンジンをかけてもスタートしません!!!合宿に行くバスは7:00時に出る予定でした、しかし車からジャンプケーブルをつなげてエンジンをジャンプさせなければならなかったので時間は思ったよりもかかりました。ま~事故ってもしょうがないし、朝早かったのでほとんど誰も道路に走っていないのでスムーズにジムまでいけました。しかも、俺よりも遅れている参加者何人かいたので、ナイスセーフ!7時22分やっと出発。何と合宿になると朝でもテンションは高いです、バスの一番前に座ってうちの一時間二時間ぐらいずーと話しました。しかし、昼ぐらいにつく予定はどんどん無理に見えた、高速はすごい込んでいる、あるトンネルの入り口の前に一時間半も止まりました。でもそれを抜けたらペンションまですぐだった。スキー場についてリッフトに乗ったのは15時半でした、なんとロスまでいける時間でした。まーあまり文句言えないです、大雪でまえは見えないので5回すべってお風呂に入りました。。。夜は毎回と同じくゲームに負けて×ゲームとして雪だるまを夜中に作ることになりました!そして、ばたっと倒れて朝まで起きないです。日曜日は晴れで最高にいい天気でした、土曜日の大雪で山はパウダーだらけですのでほとんどどんなに無理して転んでも痛くなかったです。そして、昼休みを取っててビールをゆっくり飲んでいたらコウイチ ぺタスは”お兄さん、すべりましょうよ!”を誘ってくれたので、お風呂を入るのをあきらめてもう一回リッフトに乗りました。そこでなんと俺の昔のボーダー時代を思い出して、飛びたくなりました。で、たまたまコウイチの前で飛びながら180℃回転のジャンプに成功しました。あれからコウイチの顔を見るたびに”お兄さん、あのワン エイチィかっこよかったです”をお互いに笑います。帰りは2時半ぐらいに出て、ジムの前に着いたのはぴったり20:00時だったので。意外とバスに乗っていた時間は長かったです、今度は電車で行きたいです。。。


It's 7:08 in the morning and I am running late for the bus that is taking us to the wintercamp...I figured that I was in good time when I got out of the house but my bike would not start due to the cold...So I had to hook it up to my car and jump start it, this took a bit longer than I had thought. Anyway, I don't want to crash on my bike, so without hurrying too much I made my way to the gym, lucky for me that there is no traffic in the early hours of the day. Making good time I arrived at the gym soon enough, more lucky some of the others had still not arrived and I was safe. We got to leave at 7:22 and being all exited about the whole idea of going on a snow boarding camp, the guys sitting in the front kept talking about this and that. After an hour or two the effect wore off and we all got drowsy, we did get up rather early after all, so we took a nap. Expecting that we would arrive before noon, I was awoken by the fact that the bus didn't move...It was a mayor traffic jam. There was a tunnel that they had simply closed down, it is the only way to get to the other side of the mountain chain. So we found our selves at a stop with no way out, no way back and no way forward...An hour and half later, we finally started moving. After that it was too far and getting everything ready in the kind of snow storm that had decided to start on our way to the mountain, we finally got on the lift at around 15:30! I could hardly see anything and it was really cold now that the sun was blocked out by the heavy snow ladden clouds. I did a few runs and called it the day, seeing that there was a nice bath house attached to the ski resort. I made my way up there and soaked it up for a hour or two just enjoying the nice warmth of the water. The next day, I woke up quite early and after breakfast we all got dressed and made our way back to mountain. It was a perfect day with the best snow one could whish for when riding a snowboard. Lot's and lot's of powder, after riding with some of the girls and guys from the gym for an hour or two I got a bit tired and decided to take a break. There enjoying a nice cold beer, I had just about decided to just call it quits and head up for the bath when Koichi Pettas came along. " Hey, Big brother let's got attack the mountain together!" A~what the hell, so I put on my last t-shirt and we made our way out to the mountain, one of the guys from the gym Ozaki was a really cool snowboarder and we just got out of control together. Looking for anything but the normal track going in and out of the trees, I was starting to feel really confident again. And remembering how I used to ride I felt like jumping, so I tried a few things here and there. And just by coincidence I pulled a real nice 180 right in front of Koichi...And ever since that everytime we look at each other, we just say " remember that 180...!" and then we both crack up laughing...Going home again it took us another 6 hours, so I really fel that although this is a camp and that we should all go together, I would like to take the train next time. 70min. bullet train right to the foot of the mountain, get off the train and walk up to the lift. It can't get any better than that.


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