さ~皆さん!2006年は始まっています、僕は新田さんの付き合いでお正月からずっと練習をやっています。休めると思ったら、メールが入って、2月4日に埼玉スーパーアリーナでK-Maxの日本代表を決めるトーナメントに出ることになりました。。。そしたら早く練習始めなきゃっということで、2日の10時からがんがん練習をやりました。今年に入ってTeam SpiritのNew Faceは一人増えました、今でも現役Pride選手でタカセ選手はチームに入りました。何と日本一と言われている!正直に言わせてもらいますが。。。本当に上手いです!立ったときは俺のほうが強いけど横になったときの子供と大人で遊ばれているのはめちゃくちゃ悔しいです。今年は俺もそっちで一生懸命勉強していきたいと思います。ま、練習は俺の仕事でやっぱり年明けてからいきなり思い切りやってて、体は疲れたけどそのピークをこえて今日は割りと元気です。皆さん今年も応援をよろしくお願いします!
So here we are 2006, it has all started again. Another year another fight. Nitta has been chosen for the next K-Max tournament in Feb. 4th. so we had to strat training early this year. I was enjoying a nice holiday when he mailed me with the news and that's when we started training. So I was up and training at 10 am. the second of Jan. The first week was hard but today I was feeling pretty good, it is always hard to get started but once the ball starts rolling it doesn't stop that easy. The weather is mild in Tokyo and although there have been serious snowfalls around Japan, it has not hit Tokyo at all, so it doesn't really feel like January. We have had a new member join the Team Spirit, his name is Takase Daiju, Pride fighter. They say that he is the best in Japan in his field, and honestly I can beleive it. When we sparre standing up I am all over him, but once he takes me downit is like a grown up playing with a child...Damn, I really need to work on my ground tec. this year. Anyway it is fun learning from someone that good, I just hope that I will get something out of it for real. You never know what the future has in store for me...So since this is a year that I have a real good feeling about, please stay with me and hope for the best.
ps. I had a friend of mine come and join the training during the holidays! His name is Tsuboi and he is a famous baseball player in Japan. He was really throwing some good punches this time.