Monday, March 5, 2007

K-1 Yokohama !

3月21日Differ 有明ではJ-Network”Starting point of J" ランク入りの一戦Ryo Pettas 決定
3月23日 Heat 3rd. in Nagoya Zepp, Koichi Pettas Vs. Andrew Peck
時間はあれば是非見に来て下さい!もし、チケットは買いたいけどどこで買えばいいか分からないのであれば、 まで気軽にメール送ってください。よろしくお願いします。


Last Sunday we all went to see the K-1 Yokohama fights. I was very interested in seeing how everybody would embrace the -100kg's class, and it was really great to see that the fans all seemed to find it a good thing. There were some real big upsets that just blew me away, LeBanner got dropped ! ? I am not sure what happened in that fight...But then Badr Hari and Ruslan got in the ring and the whole arena changed. It was a great fight, I must say that in the end Hari, got in one of the cleanest shot of the tournament and ended winning by K.O. after being dropped by a left hook. Anyway, some of my boys have got fights coming up this month and I thought that I would let you all know, if you have the chance and time then please come and watch.
March 21st. J-Network " Starting point of J" Ryo Pettas has got his first ranking fight
March 23rd. Heat 3rd. in Nagoya Zepp Koichi Pettas Vs. Andrew Peck
Don't miss it !


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