I just saw the teaser for the new Spider-man movie and it looked awesome! I am glad that they are releasing the movie all over the planet at the same time. 1st. of May. Is going to be the day to go to the movies...I am looking forward to it, like a kid looking towards X-mas. The Spider world that is portrayed in the movies have now become part of us, it is not some phony make believe world like the one in the Batman movies, something that I have no interest in what so ever, but more to the point, Spider movies have in my opinion made the best transition from comic book to big screen. Can't wait till it comes out, maybe we should all dress up as Spider-man and then go to the movies. It most definitely brings out the kid in me...
昨日Spider-man 3のトレイラーを見ました、今までの映画以上に面白そうだった。たしかに1が出たときはかなり興奮しましたけど、今回はもうスパイダーワールドが完成したものでいろんな説明は必要なくなったため、純粋にストリーだけで楽しめることが出来るから、今度5月1日は全世界同時リリースだということで。その日は是非映画館にスパイダーマンの全身タイツで見に行きたいです。。。持っていないけど、誕生日に来てくれたスパイダーマンにお願いすれば貸してくれるかも?