(Junk Sports オン ロケーション イン ハワイ!こんなごうかなメンバーの中にいるのは最近の一番の楽しみです。We were shooting for a japanese program called Junk Sports here, look at the difference in size...)
Just got back from Hawaii last night, it was a great trip. Although I am not quite sure why, but the jet lag sort or really hit us all hard. I wasn't fighting so I decided that it would be a great chance to bring the family and get a holiday out of it. And it was a great idea, staying at a location on Waikiki we had to just walk out of the hotel and then 50m. down the street to be able to jump into the Ocean. It was a clear water with fish that could have been taken out of my fishtank in my house swimming around.
(Here is Anthony from the BBS ! a real face to a real person amongst the fans! Big boy too, I tried scouting him for my team but he is busy with his exams. Good luck with it, maybe one day you can make a great IT company and become my sponsor...It was nice meeting you, thank you for showing up!アンとニーはハワイのローカルファンです、何とホテルまで会いに来てくれました)
The girls loved it, my oldest girl learned to snorkel real fast and spent most of her time with her face in the water looking for some big fish. On top of all the great shopping we were able to get done, there was a bonus. The Hawaii K-1 tournament, where Peter Graham was set to fight. It was a honor to be able to go up against the best student of the greatest K-1 fighter of all time, Ernesto Hoost's training partner and student for the last many years, Jerrel Venetian. It was a great fight and if you want to watch it then youtube.com is the place to look for it. 
This is me and my youngest daughter Angelina! in Hanauma bay voted the best beach in the world in 2005. It was pretty good...
And finally the last shot for this entry, what a sunset!!! ハワイにいるとお酒を飲みながらこんな素敵な夕日は見れます。。。