よく頑張ったな~と思いました、1ラウンドは上手く戦えたと思いました。2ラウンドは天田選手のロー!!!にきかされた。そこからは我慢対決に見えました、しかし天田選手の方はやはり試合の運び方上手でした。お互いにいい経験は出来たんじゃないか、明日Willは帰るし。自分はハワイに行くし、また試合!今度はピーター グラハムVS. ジェリル べネシャンK-1ハワイ大会のリサーブマッチ。自分は戦わないので海に行ってイルカと泳ぎたいだけです。:)
Well, it was a tuff fight! Will did really good in the 1st. round, and hurt Amada real good with the lowkicks. But in Amada's last fight he had gotten dropped with
lowkicks and been training a lot of cutting the lowkicks. So he was a lot better at blocking them this time around, and then he did what Will didn't expect. He started to kick him back!!! Yep Amada really went for Will's back leg with hard low kicks, after that it was mostly like a Rocky movie except it was with low kicks. Amada turned out to be that bit more experienced, and walked away the winner. That one over we are already getting ready for the next one, tomorrow I leave for Hawaii and then it is Peter Graham Vs. Jerrel Venetian in the reserve match for the K-1 Hawaii tournament. Since I am not fighting I just intend to go to the Ocean and have a swim with the dolphins...
