I sort of got side tracked the other day with my weird bbs entry, but here I am back on track. I thought that I would introduce you to Mr. Yoshiyuki Ogata. He is the brains behind this very innovative brand, personally he has been doing Karate for as long as he can remember. And loving the strong heart that it gives you, he feels that it is part if his heritage to continue his study in the way of Budo. From the first time I met him I felt attracted to his strong pride in creating a brand that is based on such a firm foundation. The designs derive from the feeling of wearing an actual Dogi, and are direct descendants of the Mon-tsuki Hakama that were worn by Samurai. I love the way he takes pride in being a Japanese brand, and uses his deep understanding for Karate to engage in designs that create patterns not seen elsewhere. He is in the moment of designing my fight shorts and other items that I can wear. So I am very exited about the outcome. If you happen to be in Japan and want to check out his store then swing by in Harajuku. 