Is coming back to Japan to fight this month, he went back home at the end of last year but we are all like family. So when the opportunity came along to get him a fight in Japan, we pounced on it and so he is making his way back here. Although it is just for a short trip I am sure it will be good for all of us to get together. I was just going through a few of our old pictures and he just seemed to be in a whole bunch of shots. 
And for some reason so does Peter Graham...It makes me wonder what those two guys are up...? We don't train in that gym anymore, but seeing those shots brings back a lot of memories. Good luck at the "TITANS" on April 22nd. in Korakuen.
"Bambinaccio" は久しぶりの日本で試合が決まりました、Riva君は昨年の12月に国に帰ってしまった。そして、今回は"TITANS"でしあいお話はをいただきましたときに是非Riva君を出したいとのことでした。Teamのメンバーはみんな久しぶりに会うのを楽しみにしている、暑い応援は出来ると思います。皆さんも時間が合えば4月22日19:00~後楽園に来て下さい。上の写真はたまたまパソコンにあったもんでアップしました。そのジムではもう練習していないですけど懐かしく感じました。。。試合頑張ってね!