土曜日の稽古は本当に気持ちよかったです、大人のメンバーがあれだけ来ると気合は最高に気持ちいです。スピリットジムの空手は普通の空手とちょっと違うんですが、基本は基本ので一本一本に気合を入れてやります。それはGOLD'S GYM HARAJUKU店であの階で思い切り気合を入れると筋トレーニングしている連中には申し訳ないですが、本当に気持ちいいです。道場は小さいですけど、きもちがこもっているので来ている生徒はみんな熱いです。今日は自分も指導が入っていますので、18:30時に行ってきます。今日も熱い練習をしたいです。熱い練習って言うのは今日朝から続いています、Koichi選手は11月の2日にトルコK-1予選大会に出るので。ジムで二人だけでスパーリングとミット、コンビネーションをやりました。何だか、すごく新鮮な気持ちでいま一緒に朝から走ったりして、ジムワークも頑張って自分も戦う気持ちになっているので本当に楽しいです。10月の30日の出発して、そして3日は日本に帰ってきます。

This last Saturday I was teaching Karate in the Gold's Gym Harajuku,
and it was just a great feeling to do basic training with everybody again. I loved the Kiai in the class and everyone was really getting into the training. It might have been a bit of a nuisance to the people doing all the lifting on the same floor, but what do we care. It is our time in the gym there and we intend to take full advantage of it. The gym is really small and it doesn't take much to fill it out, but the size of the gym does not make the training any less worthy. So we are all getting together for the two sessions a week to just work out a good sweat and do some good old Karate training. With the nice matted floor we are able to work on a lot of different things like our rolling and more MMA based basics as well as our kata and techniques for fighting without hurting each other. For me it was a big change to come from a matted floor in Denmark 16 years ago to the hard wooden floor of Honbu back in the day. But then we had to change back to the matt's when I started Kickboxing, now I really don't care where I train. When was in Holland we trained outside a lot, and then it was cold so we had to wear clothes and shoes. It didn't matter either, it is just a question of getting used to it. Anyway, Koichi is set to fight in the Turkey tournament on the 2. of November, and I found this poster on the net. It looks to be a great fight card, I just hope that he will do well. His first opponent is KEMAYO from France, him we have seen in Japan last year fighting against Amada, he lost that fight on points, but he has also KO.'d Nobu Hayashi. So we are not taking any chances, to give everything and then a bit more is how we fight. Let's pray that it will be enough, because there is no doubt in my mind that, that is exactly what KEMAYO is going to do. We leave on the 30th. and head back here on the 3rd. if we don't get a flight change and then swing by Denmark. Anyway, I gotta go and get my Dogi ready for tonight's class.