Saturday, October 20, 2007


I was just thinking that this Blogging thing can get out of control quite easy. Since Koichi started his blog I have been checking it out, I have actually become a regular visitor on his blog! I spend that much time with him already as it is, and then I come home and check out what he has been doing! on his blog? I am not quite sure why? He is very exited about it, and says that he really enjoys it, I also enjoy the whole concept, but can't get my head around it. I am not quite sure what it is people want to hear about or read? I started my blog more to keep in contact with the fans and friends that I have out there, but that was a long time ago, when I had broken my leg and there was no guarantee that I would be fighting again.I wanted to make a place for the people that were interested to get together and communicate. It has later evolved into the Q&A that is on my BBS, and now I am not quite sure if I can call it a BLOG? The blogs that are out there now, have evolved into something very different from what I started. I am feeling a bit out of touch with the blogging world...I can see that such a personal kind of way of blogging is kind of addictive. I hope that he keeps it up, now that he has started it.


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