皆さん、Ayado Chieさんは知っていますか?僕は最近友達になりました、そしてご飯を一緒に食べるようになりました。Ayadoさんは今年何と50歳になりますと同時にデビューから10周年記念年です!この前10って言うTourを始めたんです、それは見に行きました。ここでAyadoさんの年のことを書くと軽く怒られるかも?でも本人はステージの上でこの”おばは~ん”って自分のことを言うぐらいだから、大丈夫かも?とにかく、元気です!会うたびにパワーをもらえるって感じ。前回香港大会でも自分はAyadoさんがうだっている曲を使いました、それは”Oh,Happy day"っていう曲でした。ちょっと静かな感じで自分を気持ちよくさせてくれます、この前はやっとリングにもどれてうれしかったのでその曲は本当にぴったりでした。思うように結果できなかったけど、嵐の前の静かで自分的に気持ちよかったです。今度もまたAyadoさんに相談して曲を決めてもらいたいです。このパムフレットにこんなサインを書いてくれました!Ayadoさんはこれから一年間ず~っとコンサートは入っていますので、今度会うのを楽しみにしています。
This is Ayado Chie-san, for those of you who don't know her let me just explain. She is the first and only ever Japanese Gospel/Blues singer to get a record in the top 5 of the music charts. She is a great entertainer and has her her special way of performing and singing that is equalled to no one in Japan. She spent a long time in America studying the Blues and through a long hard battle with breast cancer she ended up singing in Japan. Her life story is worthy of a lot more than I give her here, but no matter how many hurdles she came across she never stopped smiling. Her life force is tremendous, and her very small frame almost seems not to be able to keep all that energy inside. I have become friends with her this year, and recently she started her 10th anniversary concert tour. She has also just released her latest album entitled 50, because she is turning well, you guess right 50 this year. These scans are from the concert pamphlet that she signed for me after her opening concert. Last time I fought in Hong Kong, I came out to her version of "Oh, Happy day". And it was just the kind of happy song that put me in the right frame of mind to fight. I hope that she is not too busy to have dinner again sometime soon.