I am still here down in Hamamatsu shooting on the TV Drama. We drove down here yesterday and spent most of the night shooting, I hadn't acted in quite some time. So when I was called in to rehearse with the main actress, Ishihara Satomi, I suddenly found myself in a very uncomfortable spot. I don't even think I get nervous like that when I fight...but everone was really nice and I soon found my own ground, and then my caracter came to life. I really like this kind of work because it forces you to rise to the occasion, yesterday all my lines were in Japanese, but today's shoot I only have english lines. It changes everything for me, because even though I speak fluently Japanese, it is still hard for me to actually build a carater in my mind and have to worry about not messing up the lines. In english it comes so much more natural to me, I wonder how it would be if I had to act in Danish? It's all good anyway, I am having fun and I still have 2 more days of shooting here...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
TV Drama、 テレ朝ドラマ

I am about to leave the house to go to Shizuoka for a TV drama shoot, I am playing an American dude that ends up being the key person to solving the mystery. I love acting and really look forward to this shoot, we are going to spend 4 days shooting down in an abandoned school. So I am sure we are going to have a lot of fun. This picture was taken last week when I dropped by one of my students house and had dinner. Dobashi-san had prepared a whole bunch of nice things, and his kids and my girls really had a good time. I hope we can get together in the summer so that we can all go to the beach.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Answer to Trivia, トリビアの答え!
実は私と同じ日に生まれている方は、Humphrey Bogartでした!昔の有名な映画にいっぱい出演していた本当に有名な役者さんでした。しかし、彼はもしかして12月の25日に生まれているかのせいもあります。。。でも、この人は本当に僕と同じ誕生日です!ハリソン・フォードと一緒にブレードランナーをやりました、Rugter Hauerです1月23日1944年。僕は1973年ですのでだいぶはなれていますけど、あの映画は永遠に生きると思います。自分もDVDで持っています。

Monday, January 28, 2008
Server Down ! サーバーダウン !

I can't believe it ! Sorry guys, at least we are back online now. Will try and get back in front of the computer when I get some time, and then update you all on what is going on.I hope this picture will ease the pain I have caused.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
35才になりました! Turned 35 !

Yeah, it is right! I turned 35, finally a grown man. I guess it is time for me to start amking my own decisions...hehehe. I don't feel a day over 28 so I am gonna stick to that. What is age anyway? Nothing more than a number, I live to the fullest and greadily enjoy my life. So as long as I am having fun then it is all good. Check out this snake head wallet from S'Factory! I had dinner with Jinnai-san owner of the S'Factory, the other night and we went to a place close to his warehouse, I just had to take a picture of that wallet, it was way out there. Imagine walking around with another snake in your pocket...Happy birthday. Daily trivia, Who of these three people was also born on Jan. 23rd. ?
1: Arnold Swarzenegger
2: Elizabeth Taylor
3Humphrey Bogart
Answer to come in my next entry...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Haircut, マイ・スペース
So I decided that I hadn't cut enough hair off last time, or maybe that it had just grown out hard again. I wonder about it, anyway, I got tired of the long hair and chopped it off today. Makes me feel really young for some reason. Have any of you ever had a hair cut in Japan? Well, let me tell you it is not just a haircut, you get your hair washed 2 times and that is followed by a scalp massage, a cup of coffee opun request. Yeah, it is the full treatment, if I have to have it dyed too then I am easily in there half a day...This shot I took in my office!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
meeting for this year! スタートしました
We started off this year with a meeting about how we are going to attack this year. It was a good meeting and we all had things to say. I like taking the time to actually talk to my team and then we can all focus more on the training.
Friday, January 11, 2008
20周年記念日です! 20 Years celebration !

何と今日朝日記を書いたときに忘れていた。。。今日のこの日の20年前にOsterbro Den Danske Karate Skoleに極真空手のデンマーク本部に入門しました。それでは何と格闘技に出会ってから20年になりました!格闘技を始めてよかったといまだに思います。これからの20年も応援をよろしくお願いします。そして、話は変わるけど日曜日は新田さんの引退試合です、足を運んできてください!お願いします。

So today exactly 20 years ago I enrolled at the, Den Danske Karate Skole, and started my first lesson in Karate. I have loved it ever since and hope that I will have as much fun in the next 20 years of Martial Arts as I have had this time. 20 years, I can't believe that I have been doing it for so long...Anyway, don't forget that Nitta is having his retirement fight this Sunday at Shinjuku FACE, across from the KOMAGEKIJOU. Doors open at 17:30 !

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Legendary Kickboxer Nitta Akeomi !
On Jan. 13th. he is having his last fight to end an era of fighting that has spanned over 15 years. I have been a friend for many years and we have often supported each other in our times of hardship. I was fortunate enough to train him up to his runner up place in the K-MAX JAPAN, a couple of years ago. He has inspired thousands of fans world wide, and fought and trained in more countries than I could count with my fingers. He went 5 full rounds against Ramon "The Diamond" Dekker in Kourakuen, at a time when I was still just saying Osu and doing kata's in the Honbu. We have grown into a friendship that transcends borders and I have nothing but respect for him. Our families play together. So it is with a lot of memories that I can say that we are all going to miss him in the ring, but it is also with peace in my mind that I can truly say. You gave everything you had and made something for yourself, so good for you my friend, good for you. I am honored to have been able to work with you in your time and your dedication humbles me. All the best on Sunday, give him hell and finish of in style. Osu!
Shinjuku Face Jan. 13th. opening fight 18:00~
If you have time then show up and support him, Osu !
新田明臣が代表を務めるNPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回大会「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」(1月13日、東京・新宿FACE)の全対戦カードが決定した。 第2試合にヘビー級3回戦、Edo Ryoma vs. 小阪俊二が追加決定。Edoは、ニコラス・ペタスが指導する日系ブラジル人選手。小阪は我龍真吾の愛弟子であり、30代現役格闘家指導者の愛弟子対決となった。 また、75.0kg契約3回戦で予定されていた加藤智亮 vs. SENZOは、加藤が練習中の負傷により欠場となり、代わって加藤の実兄である加藤和徳が出場することとなった。 なお、今大会をもって新田明臣はキックボクシングの現役引退を表明している。■NPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回興行「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」1月13日(日)東京・新宿FACE 16:30ロビー開場 17:00ホール開場VTR公開18:00セミプロマッチ開始 18:30オープニング開始予定
Shinjuku Face Jan. 13th. opening fight 18:00~
If you have time then show up and support him, Osu !
新田明臣が代表を務めるNPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回大会「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」(1月13日、東京・新宿FACE)の全対戦カードが決定した。 第2試合にヘビー級3回戦、Edo Ryoma vs. 小阪俊二が追加決定。Edoは、ニコラス・ペタスが指導する日系ブラジル人選手。小阪は我龍真吾の愛弟子であり、30代現役格闘家指導者の愛弟子対決となった。 また、75.0kg契約3回戦で予定されていた加藤智亮 vs. SENZOは、加藤が練習中の負傷により欠場となり、代わって加藤の実兄である加藤和徳が出場することとなった。 なお、今大会をもって新田明臣はキックボクシングの現役引退を表明している。■NPO法人バンゲリングベイ主催第1回興行「BUNGELING BAY 縁 ~enishi~」1月13日(日)東京・新宿FACE 16:30ロビー開場 17:00ホール開場VTR公開18:00セミプロマッチ開始 18:30オープニング開始予定
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A new year, 新年の始まり
I guess that now everything has settled down, and I like everyone has to get back into the grinder. I have been resting up a bit just spending time with the family and friends, but school starts today and I have to get up early again...It is OK, 'cause I was starting to get fat and lazy, so when I start to want to get up early and start my day with some road work, then I know it has been too long. But if you actually think about that for a while, then it has only been a week since the fight. It's almost like another life and another time, but it was just last week! Kinda weird to think about when you break in down like that. The reality is that we all have get back to our normal lives and deal with, once again, all the normal stuff. And that is sometimes hard, because it is such a big thing to be able to fight in front of 50.000 people. So getting up in the morning to make sure my daughter is not late for school, can kinda seem dull compared to that. It is just as important if not more even so. It was a good year last year, I finally got the gym I was wanting, and to settle into my new rhythm has made things a lot better. To have a place of my own again seems to give me a sense of belonging and training is a lot easier on the mind, because it is my place and I make the rules. Feels great to walk into my own gym. Anyway, I went to Disneyland the other day and after we all stumbled out of Space Mountain, I wanted to try something a bit more easy on the stomach. So the Buzz Lightyear ride of blasting Aliens into oblivion seemed like a great idea. My wife looked at the line and read the sad number 70. That was how long we would have to wait to get in...I needed the time to get my stomach to settle, so I didn't really mind the fact that we were in for a long wait. But then to our surprise a woman came up and offered us 4 free fast passes! I couldn't believe it, not because she knew me or anything, it just so happened that I was in the right time at the right place. So we got to blast the aliens less than 5 minutes after having lined up! Thank you friendly lady.
新年は始まりました、試合から一週間しかまだたってないけど、もう昔の話になっている気がして。今日から学校と幼稚園は始まるので朝は早く起きないといけなくなった。でも、それはそれで自分的には体の管理として朝のロードワークを早く始めたかったのでいいです。むしろ、休んでいる自分はヒマでしょうがないです、ジムにもどって練習したいです。試合が終わると一気に普通の人生にもどるのでそのキャップはちょっと大変です。この前は5万人の前で試合をして、体のパフォーマンスを高めるように一回一回の食事を計算しながら、毎日の練習の内容を考えながら試合に向かいました。それで今日から朝早く起きて、娘はちゃんと学校に遅れないように。。。本当に人生は続きます。これは本当の人生ですので試合のハイは人生の中のボーナスみたいなもんです、今年はボーナスが増えるようにがんばりたいです。この一週間ではゆっくりをしながら久しぶりにたくさん寝て、普通のテレビを見て(筋肉番すけ)後、家族とDisneylandに行きました。何と今回は子供たち全員スペースマウンテンに乗れました、けど本当に怖くってみんな大泣きをしました。そして気持ち悪くなってちょっと休みながらどこかで並んでいいかと思って向かったのはBuzz Lightyearでした、でもさすがに70分は待ちたくないと嫁が言いました。でも自分はもうしばらくいいんじゃないかと思って並んで待ち始めました。そしたら、ある女性がきてファーストパス4枚がありますけどいれないですか?って聞かれました、何か電車の時間はあるから帰らないといけなくって。ファーストパスは誰かにあげるとそのタイミングは私たちたまたま合って、並んでからまだ2分もたたないうちに70分もラインを一気に超えて5分ぐらいで入りました。やさしい電車に遅れそうな女性、ありがとうございました!おかげさまでいろんな乗り物に乗ることが出来ました。
新年は始まりました、試合から一週間しかまだたってないけど、もう昔の話になっている気がして。今日から学校と幼稚園は始まるので朝は早く起きないといけなくなった。でも、それはそれで自分的には体の管理として朝のロードワークを早く始めたかったのでいいです。むしろ、休んでいる自分はヒマでしょうがないです、ジムにもどって練習したいです。試合が終わると一気に普通の人生にもどるのでそのキャップはちょっと大変です。この前は5万人の前で試合をして、体のパフォーマンスを高めるように一回一回の食事を計算しながら、毎日の練習の内容を考えながら試合に向かいました。それで今日から朝早く起きて、娘はちゃんと学校に遅れないように。。。本当に人生は続きます。これは本当の人生ですので試合のハイは人生の中のボーナスみたいなもんです、今年はボーナスが増えるようにがんばりたいです。この一週間ではゆっくりをしながら久しぶりにたくさん寝て、普通のテレビを見て(筋肉番すけ)後、家族とDisneylandに行きました。何と今回は子供たち全員スペースマウンテンに乗れました、けど本当に怖くってみんな大泣きをしました。そして気持ち悪くなってちょっと休みながらどこかで並んでいいかと思って向かったのはBuzz Lightyearでした、でもさすがに70分は待ちたくないと嫁が言いました。でも自分はもうしばらくいいんじゃないかと思って並んで待ち始めました。そしたら、ある女性がきてファーストパス4枚がありますけどいれないですか?って聞かれました、何か電車の時間はあるから帰らないといけなくって。ファーストパスは誰かにあげるとそのタイミングは私たちたまたま合って、並んでからまだ2分もたたないうちに70分もラインを一気に超えて5分ぐらいで入りました。やさしい電車に遅れそうな女性、ありがとうございました!おかげさまでいろんな乗り物に乗ることが出来ました。
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