I am still here down in Hamamatsu shooting on the TV Drama. We drove down here yesterday and spent most of the night shooting, I hadn't acted in quite some time. So when I was called in to rehearse with the main actress, Ishihara Satomi, I suddenly found myself in a very uncomfortable spot. I don't even think I get nervous like that when I fight...but everone was really nice and I soon found my own ground, and then my caracter came to life. I really like this kind of work because it forces you to rise to the occasion, yesterday all my lines were in Japanese, but today's shoot I only have english lines. It changes everything for me, because even though I speak fluently Japanese, it is still hard for me to actually build a carater in my mind and have to worry about not messing up the lines. In english it comes so much more natural to me, I wonder how it would be if I had to act in Danish? It's all good anyway, I am having fun and I still have 2 more days of shooting here...