So it had turned 1:30 in the AM's we were all pretty tired from the long day on the set, and I was getting hungry. I wasn't looking forward to going to the nearby convinience store and buying some old sandwhich's. So when I saw a small RAMEN(Japanese noodles) place not far from the hotel. I soon decided to go there. It was a real small place with only enough place to sit 5 or maybe 6 people. But it was full. That is a good sign if you like RAMEN, because the popular places are almost always full not matter what time or place they are located in. For those of you that don't know about RAMEN, then let me just say that the frenzy over RAMEN in Japan, borders the amazing. On a average 100 new shops open up a day and about the same amount close down! Daily...that means there is a lot of people that really like their noodles. I have been on countless TV programs tasting RAMEN, making RAMEN etc. I have been through the whole works. And therefore consider myself a bit of a veteran when it comes to these legendary small havens. Anyway, the bowl came and although I hadn't really expected anything out of the ordinary. I was totally blown away by the complex soup, turns out that the chef's family has been making RAMEN for over 90 years. And that he is the 3rd. generation to carry on the secret soup...