今度,2月27日のDown Town Deluxeに出ることになりました!僕はあの番組は始めって何ですが浜田さんと昔Junk Sportsで何回かお世話になっています。普段よりもみんな早くしゃべるので頑張って話せるようにしますのでテレビでチェックしてください。僕本当は大笑いの早い話は苦手ですけどダウンタウンに会えるのは楽しみです。
I got picked for a show called Down Town Deluxe, which is hosted by two of the most famous comedians in Japan. They call themselves DOWN TOWN, and they have been around for as long as I can remember. They are really funny and fast paced in the hosting, so I find it really hard to get in a comment here and there. But I will try and speak up when the chance is there. If not I wont get any air time...And then there is no point in being on the show. And then a good friend of mine is fighting in the Budapest K-1 tomorrow night. I hope that he does well, Tibor Nagy all the best tomorrow. No surrender, Never give up and never say NO ! I know how hard you have trained for the fight and am sure that you are ready, all the best my friend.