Thursday, February 14, 2008

2月28日 放送 Down Town Deluxe

今日、って言うか今さっき収録が終わったばかりです。うちの子供に西岡すみこさんと絶対に写真をとってねと頼まれたので、ここで、本人のOKをもらったので、皆さんに見せたいです。cH.4日テレ放送2008年2月28日、22:00~22:54、DON'T MISS IT

Just finished the tv shoot of a golden time program called "Down Town Deluxe" it will air on the 28th. Feb. Channel 4 22:00~22:54, check it out if you are in Japan! This picture is of Nishioka Sumiko, a japanese talent who's carater is a SM Queen. She was quite funny and my kids thinks she is really funny, so I promised to take a picture with her. I still can't figure out the Japanese comedy, there are a whole bunch of shady caraters over here, but they are all quite funny!

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