英語のタイトルは”Ring of Fire" プロヂューサーのマット・テイラーさんが世界平和のために自ら作った映画です。それは今日の18:00から無料で見ることができます。詳しいことはhttp://www.gndfund.org/jp/index.htmlのほうで出ますが、僕の今人生のなかでもっとも気になっている映画です。これは実にいうと少しでも世界を変える力を持っていると思っています。今までになかったことがこの映画の元でもう始まっているんです。今年のピースサッミトに向けて世界平和というテーマでマットさんが自分の力をすべて使って、実際にここまで国のトップは動くことに成功しました。僕はここでいろいろと語るよりも皆さんURLをたすねてみてください、そこで本当にこの地球の見る目が変わるかも。僕も今日は見に行きます!
If you want to know what I am talking about then go to this link and enter the world of Matt Taylor. Who has for the last 8 years been working as a volunteer to promote world peace. The steps and bounds he has been able to make within this short time are close to phenomenal, what even after decades governments could not seem to accomplsih, he has created life. To tear down the Nuclear Silos around that the world that even today are on alert to destroy all our mayor cities, Matt Taylor has within the first 3 years of beginning the project accomplished. When I first met him I was so impressed with his work that I felt goose bumps on my arms. I mean, in my life I have the power to reach out to a lot of people, but this is in such large scale that the work I do in comparison is so mediocre that I just whish there was a means to reach even more people. The dream and courage than I am able to present my fans with is just a small thing, but this project is totally overwhelming and truly impressive. I will not try to speak any more of this because all you have to do is log on to the URL and then look it up for yourself. http://www.gndfund.org
And if you are in Japan then you can watch the movie for free.