何と今日朝日記を書いたときに忘れていた。。。今日のこの日の20年前にOsterbro Den Danske Karate Skoleに極真空手のデンマーク本部に入門しました。それでは何と格闘技に出会ってから20年になりました!格闘技を始めてよかったといまだに思います。これからの20年も応援をよろしくお願いします。そして、話は変わるけど日曜日は新田さんの引退試合です、足を運んできてください!お願いします。

So today exactly 20 years ago I enrolled at the, Den Danske Karate Skole, and started my first lesson in Karate. I have loved it ever since and hope that I will have as much fun in the next 20 years of Martial Arts as I have had this time. 20 years, I can't believe that I have been doing it for so long...Anyway, don't forget that Nitta is having his retirement fight this Sunday at Shinjuku FACE, across from the KOMAGEKIJOU. Doors open at 17:30 !