海への旅でした、本当に美しい海は見たかったのでグアムに着いてすぐにレンタカーにしました。そして、Bud’s Hairの西岡さんが貸してくれたグアムの完全ガイドを見ながら、もっとも美しい海ハンターになりました。子供はスノーケリングをできるようになったので、みんなでかわいい魚をたくさん見ました。僕は今回真っ白の浜辺を頑張って探したら本当に見つかりました。この写真では分からないかもしれないんですけど、グアムにもこんなに美しい海があります。僕らしかいなかった海は今の時代はあまりにも考えられなかった、けど今回はそんな海を見つけました!最後その浜辺に行ったときは本当にうちの家族しかいなかったです、映画に出てきそうな無人島みたいでした。。。

So I just decided to take the family to for a few days, it was just one of those things that came to me. Although it ended up costing us a lot more than we had expected, it was worth it all. I thought that I was going to fight on the 29th. but if I still have not heard anything by this time...well, then I guess that it is not going to happen. I sort of knew that last week, so when I finished shooting on the drama, which is airing on the this coming monday, I asked my wife if it would be OK to take the kids out of school to go to Guam. She loved the idea and before I knew it we were off to the beach. It was a nice trip all in all, we rented a car and totally searched for the perfect beach. And as you might be able to see by the photo, we totally found it. The thing about going to Guam was reallyh cool, but when the Japanese fans that happened to be in Guam at the same time we were, started to ask for pictures and others just started taking pictures of me and the kids without asking if it was OK, I sat down and thought about it all. 17 years ago I came to Japan with a dream of learning Karate from the best teacher in the world, and here I am years later being asked by Japanese to take a picture together in GUAM ! When in my own country no one knows who I am...It is quite something, when you just take a moment to think about it?