This is a picture of my lunch today, it is a huge protein shake with frozen berries and mixed with water. When I get ready for a fight I start changing everything I eat in order to build a body fit for fighting. It takes a lot of discipline but at the end of the day it makes you feel that extra strong. Feeling good and eating healthy is very important, because it gives you better rest at night and better mental attitude. When I eat for a fight I cut out most carbs and focus on the high proteins, but only until I get to the desired weight I want. Then I start to up the carbs in accordance with the amount of work load I give the body. Sometimes I get confused myself and just eat what I want, but that is all of the plan too so I don't get frustrated over it. I also have to eat out a lot in order to met sponsors etc. so many times I can't count the amount of food I get, so I am able to just swing it.But in order to know about where I am, I always weigh myself in the morning at the same time and write down what I eat during the day. It helps me to keep track of things, and if I am having a good or bad day I can often correct the flaw by looking at what I ate or drank.