It is a high end brand a friend of mine has been working on for quite some time now. I told him that I would help out where I could and the end of that was that with the help of my friend Simen Kjellin. Who is the photographer that shot most of the pictures used here on this site, we went to the shop in Shibuya and took some cool shots.僕の知り合いのブランドですが、かならハイエンドですが、ものは本当にかっこいいです。今回はイメージポスターとお店の前や中でいろんな写真をSimen Kjellinにお願いして撮ってもらいました。Simenはノルウィーのカメラマンですが、今回日本にDynamiteを取材しに来まして。おまけに僕とBobといろんなところで写真を撮ってもらいました。