Today I took Bob Sapp out to the Winter Sports Festa in Odaiba! We had a guest appearance where Bob ended up loosing some arm wrestling matches against some of the people from the audience. It was just a short thing, but something I had set up for him and I to give the Travel Channel some content. It turned out pretty good, I translated and played along with it all and Bob Built up the excitement. I guess it was perfect with today's weather because it was really cold out today and that should inspire people to get right into the whole winter mood.
今日はこの前から打ち合わせしていたTravel Channelの番組撮りが始まった、まず朝から仕事関係の打ち合わせ風景のあとにお台場で。Winter Sports Festaに顔を出して、ステージの上でミニトークショーをして、ボブはお客さんと腕相撲大会をしました。今日は冬のキャンペーンにぴったりの天気でした、本当に寒い中で会場をあっためてくれたんじゃないか?:)