Today I spent about 9 hours on set in a Aikido Dojo, but it was a great job. I had so much fun and the Sensei and Kancho who was on scene were so helpful and teaching that I honestly felt the power of Aikido for the first time in my life. It was all I ever expected it to be, it was smooth and fast and cool and good, it was kind and friendly and open like all Budo should be. I left the place feeling a bit homesick. I missed Sosai Oyama very much today, I met Uchi Deshi from overseas and saw a bit of my self in them. It has been 15 years since I used to have a shaved head and said OSU to just about anything that moved. I loved the dedication and spirit of the way things were done today, and with nothing less than respect for the Sensei I was able to meet today, I already miss him. His awesome control of technique and manners was just overwhelming, I really felt something special today and it made miss something I have not felt in a very long time.