Last night we held the Karate Test at the Spirit Gym in Harajuku, it was a small test of only 4 students but it was good. Everyone tried their best and the fighting was hard, I thought they all did really well. After the test we had a welcoming of the New Year party, and it was supposed to be at a really nice restaurant with an area outside on the terrace...but when we got there it turned out that because of the heavy rains and wind that raged in Tokyo for the last two days, the terrace had been laid to waste and was not suitable for guests. So we all dined inside and although the place was totally understaffed, we all helped out and had a good time. I didn't know that they had all chipped in to buy me a t-shirt for my birthday present. So when I got the "Death or Glory" shirt from Ed Hardy...I was really happy.
昨日はT.S.G.(The Spirit Gym)の空手のしょうきょう審査をやりました、2009はTSGにとっての最高にいいスタートでした、今回は4人しか受けなかったけど内容はかなり良かったです。そのあとはKoichi Pettasのベルトのお祝い会と新年会を含めてみんなもつ鍋屋に行きました。そこは何と師範大が選んだ店は皆さんが思った以上にひどくって、客に言えばひどすぎて楽しかったです。自分たちでビールやお酒を運んでいました!それよりも、僕の誕生日プレゼントにEd Hardyの”Death or Glory"のシャーツをもらいました!皆さんありがとうございました。審査の結果には関係ないけど。。:)今年はいい空手の年にしましょう!